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dict table
sorry for my bad English,
i have this problem, I have this data from JA3
Id : AA12 Group : Firearm - Shotgun object_class : Shotgun RepairCost : 50 Id : AK47 Group : Firearm - Assault Comment : tier 1 heavy Reliability : 95
note1 : because for example, I just show a tiny bit of it, real data is above 1 MB of txt
note2 : the data is not properly structured, a grenade launcher data may have an Explosive Area Of Effect, and other weapon data is not

in the end, i like to create a table of it like this

id | Group | Comment | RepairCost AK47 | Firearm - Assault | tier 1 heavy | AA12 | Firearm - Shotgun | | 50
i stuck with this problem for hours,
can someone give me a clue to do this please,
or at least Google search keyword?
Don't worry about your English, it is good enough!

What is JA3?

Pandas can read a dictionary. What is the problem?

import pandas as pd

data = {'id': [1, 2, 3], 
        'name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
        'info': [{'age': 25, 'gender': 'female'},
                 {'age': 30, 'gender': 'male', 'location': 'New York'},
                 {'age': 35, 'gender': 'male', 'location': 'San Francisco'}]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Look here.
(Sep-30-2023, 11:06 AM)Pedroski55 Wrote: Don't worry about your English, it is good enough!

What is JA3?

Pandas can read a dictionary. What is the problem?

import pandas as pd

data = {'id': [1, 2, 3], 
        'name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
        'info': [{'age': 25, 'gender': 'female'},
                 {'age': 30, 'gender': 'male', 'location': 'New York'},
                 {'age': 35, 'gender': 'male', 'location': 'San Francisco'}]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
Look here.
thank you for your reply, turn out it need an external package like Panda
can I add data later, but only a part of it, for example
-name Alice, 'location': 'Florida'
-name Alice, 'address': 'Abraham street'
i need the syntax
Of course you can add anything you want!

You do not need pandas to display your data:

data = {'id': [1, 2, 3], 
        'name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
        'info': [{'age': 25, 'gender': 'female', 'location': 'Florida', 'Favourite food': 'kangaroo'},
                 {'age': 30, 'gender': 'male', 'location': 'New York', 'language': 'Spanish'},
                 {'age': 35, 'gender': 'male', 'location': 'San Francisco', 'children': 10}]}

from tabulate import tabulate
Avoid using acronyms. JA3: Jagged Alliance 3 or a method for creating SSL/TLS client fingerprints that should be easy to produce on any platform and can be easily shared for threat intelligence. The internet thinks it is the second one.

The file format is odd. Why does a Shotgun have an object class, but not a comment, and an AK47 has a comment, but not an object class. To be of any use, each entry has to have the same attributes. If the file doesn't contain values for all the attributes, it is up to the reader to provide the missing values.

To read the file you might need to look for all the unique tags and create your own reader function. This is a quick pass at a reader for your file.
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd

data = StringIO("""
Id :  AA12
Group :  Firearm - Shotgun
object_class :  Shotgun
RepairCost :  50

Id :  AK47
Group :  Firearm - Assault
Comment :  tier 1 heavy
Reliability :  95

Id :  Grenade Launcher
Group :  Grenade Launcher
Comment :  Explosive
ExplosiveAreaOfEffect :  10

class Weapon:
    fields = {
        "Id": str,
        "Group": str,
        "Comment": str,
        "object_class": str,
        "RepairCost": int,
        "Reliability": int,
        "ExplosiveAreaOfEffect": int

    def __init__(self, Id: str):
        self.Id = Id

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Returns None for missing attributes."""
        if name not in self.fields:
            raise(AttributeError(f"{name} not in Weapon."))
        return self.__dict__.get(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        """Only allow setting fields."""
        if self.fields[name] is int:
            value = int(value)
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

    def __str__(self):
        fields = (f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in self.values.items() if value is not None)
        return f"<Weapon {', '.join(fields)}>"

    def values(self):
        """Returns fields as a dictionary"""
        return {field: getattr(self, field) for field in self.fields}

    def reader(cls, file):
        """Read weapon information from a file."""
        weapon = None
        for line in file:
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) == 0:
            if line.startswith("Id"):
                if weapon:
                    yield weapon
                key, value = map(str.strip, line.split(":"))
                weapon = Weapon(Id=value)
            elif weapon:
                key, value = map(str.strip, line.split(":"))
                weapon.__setattr__(key, value)
        if weapon:
            yield weapon

weapons = list(Weapon.reader(data))
print("Weapons", *weapons, sep="\n", end="\n\n")

df = pd.DataFrame([weapon.values for weapon in weapons])
Weapons <Weapon Id: AA12, Group: Firearm - Shotgun, object_class: Shotgun, RepairCost: 50> <Weapon Id: AK47, Group: Firearm - Assault, Comment: tier 1 heavy, Reliability: 95> <Weapon Id: Grenade Launcher, Group: Grenade Launcher, Comment: Explosive, ExplosiveAreaOfEffect: 10> Id Group Comment object_class RepairCost Reliability ExplosiveAreaOfEffect 0 AA12 Firearm - Shotgun None Shotgun 50.0 NaN NaN 1 AK47 Firearm - Assault tier 1 heavy None NaN 95.0 NaN 2 Grenade Launcher Grenade Launcher Explosive None NaN NaN 10.0 Id object Group object Comment object object_class object RepairCost float64 Reliability float64 ExplosiveAreaOfEffect float64 dtype: object
The main trick is overriding __getattr__ to return None when the attribute is not found in the object and __setattr__ to only allow setting attributes that are in the fields dictionary. The fields dictionary implements a kind of a typed slots interface.
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