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import random
import pyttsx3
import sys
for r in range(15):
    print (r)
    a = input("Digite o nr.:")
    if a == '999':
        print ('ok')
    fname = "bjjj.txt"
    with open(fname) as f:
        numbers = f.readline().strip().split()        
# print the numbers in the file:
#     for _ in range(1): # loop 15 times
        k = str(random.randint(1, 16))
        if k not in numbers:
            print (f'{k} não EXISTE')
             print (f'{k} EXISTE')
    with open(fname, 'w') as f:  # open file in write mode
        f.write(f'{" ".join(numbers)}\n')
        # vai ler o ficheiro txt de nome ler
        # Instrucoes em
        # import pyttsx3 #pip instal pyttsx3
        # le o texto que esta guardado em um arquivo .txt
    with open('C:/Users/José Brito/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/WORK/ler.txt', 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
        texto =
        texto = 'Saiu o número  ',  k  # não lê o ficheiro
        speaker = pyttsx3.init()  # inicia serviço biblioteca
        voices = speaker.getProperty('voices')  # metodo de voz
        # ver as vozes instaladas na maquina
        for voice in voices:
            # traz os idiomas de voz instalados em sua maquina
        # define a voz padrao, no meu caso o portugues era o[2] (iniciando do zero)
        speaker.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id)
        rate = speaker.getProperty('rate')  # nao exiuste a voz portuguesa
        # muda velocidade da leitura, quando menor mais lento
        speaker.setProperty('rate', rate-(200))
        print(texto)  # escreve o texto na tela
        speaker.say(texto)  # define o texto que será lido
        speaker.runAndWait()  # le o texto
Quote:When "there is" "continue" the program goes to line 7 (a = input ...).
How do I NOT go to line 7 but go to line 18 (k = str (random .....)
You should go to line 7 only if the number is announced, to give the enter key
thanks Think
Mr. Buran
Please complete and or modify the program to solve the problem. If necessary, it can be changed in its entirety. thanks
Pleas try this code and let me know if it accomplishes what you want from it.
Os apelos experimentam este código e me avisem se ele conseguir o que você quer dele.

import pyttsx3
from time import sleep
from random import shuffle
numbers = [k for k in range (1, 16)]
shuffle (numbers)
print ('\n\n\n\n')
speaker = pyttsx3.init ()
voices = speaker.getProperty ('voices')
speaker.setProperty ('voice', voices [1].id)
speaker.setProperty ('rate', 100)
for count in range (15) :
    input ('\nPressione digitar para o próximo número.')
    output = f'o número saiu {numbers [count]}'
    print (output)
    speaker.say (output)
    speaker.runAndWait ()
    sleep (1)
    speaker.say (output)
    speaker.runAndWait ()
[quote="BashBedlam" pid='137630' dateline='1613610151']
Pleas try this code and let me know if it accomplishes what you want from it.
Os apelos experimentam este código e me avisem se ele conseguir o que você quer dele.

import pyttsx3
from time import sleep
from random import shuffle
numbers = [k for k in range (1, 16)]
shuffle (numbers)
print ('\n\n\n\n')
speaker = pyttsx3.init ()
voices = speaker.getProperty ('voices')
speaker.setProperty ('voice', voices [1].id)
speaker.setProperty ('rate', 100)
for count in range (15) :
    input ('\nPressione digitar para o próximo número.')
    output = f'o número saiu {numbers [count]}'
    print (output)
    speaker.say (output)
    speaker.runAndWait ()
    sleep (1)
    speaker.say (output)
    speaker.runAndWait ()
Thank you very very much, sir BashBedlan. Actually, I didn't know about shuffer at random.
It randomly collects the desired number of numbers, and there is no need to record it in a table, to find out if the number is already out.
It forced me to redo the mother program, because I am obligatorily recording in a table, recording the numbers and other elements. Com as suas orientações acabei o programa que propus fazer. Uma vez mais obrigado. jmabrito Dance Smile
Program termination does not invalidate the previously formulated request. Based on the program I exposed, how to overcome the problem of a "GOTO" not allowed, but desired, because I want to go to line 18 and not to 7. thanks

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