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Byte string catenation inefficient in 3.7?
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Byte string catenation inefficient in 3.7?
I'm noticing something odd with byte string catenation versus text string.
Im building a bmp file. The core code is (ignoring row padding and headers etc)
for Y in range(0, XY[1]): # (BMPs are L to R from the bottom L row)
        for X in range(0, XY[0]):
            # square rainbow as oposed to real data
            x = floor((255 * X)/XY[0])
            y = floor((255 * Y)/XY[1])
            (r,g,b) = [x, y, 128]  #Colour(data[x ,y])
            pixels += struct.pack('<BBB',b,g,r)
and Ive run the code in Python 2.7 (char strings) and in Python 3.7 (byte strings)
This was tested on a 1024 x 1024 pixel image, and the elapsed time was logged every 100 rows.

Overall, Python 2.7 runs in 2.4 seconds, Python 3.7 runs in over 8 minutes (i7-8700 CPU @ 3.2GHz, 16 GB RAM)

3.7 is orders of magnitude slower, and there is a major slow down when the string gets around the 1 MB mark as illustrated by these graphs of elapsed time every 100 rows (approx 300k of data added to the string):
Graphs of elapsed time bytes vs text

Ive tried googling this and havent found much, which surprised me - Id have thought this would have been a major issue. Apart from the obvious slowness of the byte strings, the pattern is very striking. What happens at the 1MB mark? Obviously a change of algorithm of some sort.

Does anyone have any advice? I'm wondering about converting the struct.pack() output to char string (cf Python 2.7) , catenate that and then convert back to byte string when it is complete. Or would that conversion back be super slow?
Perhaps garbage collection sets in at 1MB.
Seems low on an 8 GB Ram machine. Unless there is some parameter limiting the amount of memory used. (I did check there was no paging activity, it occurred to me that possibly byte strings have some internal representation that takes up inordinate amount of space). There was not much else running on the machine and gobs of RAM available.

I’m guessing that char string catenation is done with pointers, and hence the very roughly constant time per increment. And byte strings look like they aren’t, it’s maintaining a single contiguous entity, which seems odd to me. But that’s just an ignorant guess.

Whatever the reason it’s pretty bad. Eight and a half minutes to build a mere 3 MB bmp file is ludicrous. So I’m looking for ways to speed this up.
Do you know Numpy?
An images can be represented as an array of values.
I actually don´t understand why you are building a bmp with strings / bytes / bytestrings or what so ever.

There are lots of tutorials around this matter
RMJFlack Wrote:Overall, Python 2.7 runs in 2.4 seconds, Python 3.7 runs in over 8 minutes
This doesn't make sense to me. Can you post complete code and data so that we can try for ourselves.
There is some extraneous (to this issue ) code , for bmp headers etc. Should I post the whole thing warts and all, or crunch it down to essentially the code fragment I gave?
Post the whole thing, please so we can reproduce the matter.
Numpy: Vaguely aware, not familiar.
Why strings? The bad answer is simply because that’s how it is done in the code I found when I searched on how to write a bmp file.

Sounds like I should check Numpy? Does it include functions to convert to string for an xxx.write(...). Or dies it have equivalent output function?

Ok here is all the sordid detail. I will be pasting below
1. Python27 Code
2. Python27 Output
3. Python37 Code
4. Python37 Output

The two programs are more or less identical. There are some instructions comments (just a few!). The only difference in the versions is the initialisation of the pixel string (and a padding string) as either char or byte.

You can edit the file names if you want to verify for yourself that the output file is correct, or comment that out the file open and write as you like.
The output logs speak for themselves!

On my machine the 3.7 version uses about 40 MB of RAM (out of 16 GB) and about 12% of CPU.

Here are the graphs of the elapsed time as the string builds:

1. Python 2.7 Code
# Testing struct.pack and string catenation in Python2 and 3
# This is a demo cut down from real app (which draws charts from survey data)
# creates a 'square rainbow' bmp file
## edit for Py 2 (char strings) or 3 (byte strings) versions

# edit these for your set up and test
Size = 1024    # test image size, pixels
path = 'D:/Python27/MyScripts/Test/'  # for the bmp file

import csv
import os
import struct
from math import trunc, ceil, floor
import time

def BuildImage(name, XY):
    # name : filename
    # XY : (width, height) pixels

    # for stats and timing
    n0 = 0
    t00 = time.clock()
    t01 = t00
    chtName = path+'cht_'+name+'.bmp'
    print("drawing "+chtName)
    hdr = bmpHdr(XY)
    pixels =''  ##  Py2
    ##pixels = bytes('', 'utf-8')  ## Py3
    for Y in range(0, XY[1]): # (BMPs are L to R from the bottom L row)
        for X in range(0, XY[0]):
            # square rainbow for time tests -  as oposed to real data
            x = floor((255 * X)/XY[0])
            y = floor((255 * Y)/XY[1])
            (r,g,b) = [x, y, 128]   #Colour(data[x ,y])
            pixels += struct.pack('<BBB',b,g,r)
        row_mod = (hdr['width']*hdr['colordepth']/8) % 4
        if row_mod == 0:
            padding = 0 
            padding = (4 - row_mod)
        padbytes = ''  #  P2
        #padbytes = bytes('', 'utf-8')  # P3
        for i in range(padding):
            padbytes += struct.pack('<B',0)
        pixels = pixels + padbytes

        # stats log
        if(0 == Y % 100 or Y == 0):
            n = len(pixels)
            t02 = time.clock()
            log = "{0:5d} L={1:8,d}, delta={2:7,d}, pad={3:4d}".format(XY[0]-Y, n, n-n0, padding)
            log += ", time = {0:6.3f}, cum = {1:7.3f}".format(t02-t01, t02-t00)
            t01 = t02
            n0 = n
    print("pixels generated, len = "+str(len(pixels)))
    bmp_write(chtName, hdr, pixels)

def bmpHdr(XY):
    print("bmphdr xy "+str(XY))
    hdr = {
        'width':XY[0],   #256
        'height':XY[1],  #256
    return hdr

#Function to write a bmp file.  It takes a dictionary (hdr) of
#header values and the pixel data (pixels) and writes them
#to a file.  This function is called at the bottom of the code.
def bmp_write(name, hdr, pixels):
    print('making bmp with '+str(len(pixels))+" pixels")
    mn1 = struct.pack('<B',hdr['mn1'])
    mn2 = struct.pack('<B',hdr['mn2'])
    filesize = struct.pack('<L',hdr['filesize'])
    undef1 = struct.pack('<H',hdr['undef1'])
    undef2 = struct.pack('<H',hdr['undef2'])
    offset = struct.pack('<L',hdr['offset'])
    headerlength = struct.pack('<L',hdr['headerlength'])
    width = struct.pack('<L',hdr['width'])
    height = struct.pack('<L',hdr['height'])
    colorplanes = struct.pack('<H',hdr['colorplanes'])
    colordepth = struct.pack('<H',hdr['colordepth'])
    compression = struct.pack('<L',hdr['compression'])
    imagesize = struct.pack('<L',hdr['imagesize'])
    res_hor = struct.pack('<L',hdr['res_hor'])
    res_vert = struct.pack('<L',hdr['res_vert'])
    palette = struct.pack('<L',hdr['palette'])
    importantcolors = struct.pack('<L',hdr['importantcolors'])
    #create the outfile
    outfile = open(name,'wb')   # 'bitmap_image.bmp'
    #write the header + the_bytes
    hdr = mn1+mn2
    hdr += filesize+undef1+undef2
    hdr += offset+headerlength+width+height
    hdr += colorplanes+colordepth+compression+imagesize+res_hor+res_vert
    hdr += palette+importantcolors
    print("headers = "+str(hdr))
    bmp = hdr + pixels
    print('writing bmp, len = '+str(len(bmp)))

def main():

    time0 = time.clock()
    print("start {0}x{0} bmp file @ {1:.3f}".format(Size, time0))

    # set the size of the bmp image here
    BuildImage("test", (Size,Size))
    time1 = time.clock()
    print("Chart complete, run time {0:.3f} secs".format(time1-time0))

if __name__ == '__main__':
2. Python 2.7 Output
Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:53:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> =============== RESTART: D:\Python27\MyScripts\Test\ =============== start 1024x1024 bmp file @ 0.000 drawing D:/Python27/MyScripts/Test/cht_test.bmp bmphdr xy (1024, 1024) 1024 L= 3,072, delta= 3,072, pad= 0, time = 0.013, cum = 0.013 924 L= 310,272, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.163, cum = 0.175 824 L= 617,472, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.162, cum = 0.337 724 L= 924,672, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.161, cum = 0.498 624 L=1,231,872, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.179, cum = 0.677 524 L=1,539,072, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.241, cum = 0.918 424 L=1,846,272, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.267, cum = 1.185 324 L=2,153,472, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.212, cum = 1.397 224 L=2,460,672, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.259, cum = 1.656 124 L=2,767,872, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.225, cum = 1.882 24 L=3,075,072, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.234, cum = 2.115 pixels generated, len = 3145728 making bmp with 3145728 pixels headers = BM
3. Python 3.7 Code
# Testing struct.pack and string catenation in Python2 and 3
# This is a demo cut down from real app (which draws charts from survey data)
# creates a 'square rainbow' bmp file
## edit for Py 2 (char strings) or 3 (byte strings) versions

# edit these for your set up and test
Size = 1024    # test image size, pixels
path = 'D:/Python37/MyScripts/Test/'  # for the bmp file

import csv
import os
import struct
from math import trunc, ceil, floor
import time

def BuildImage(name, XY):
    # name : filename
    # XY : (width, height) pixels

    # for stats and timing
    n0 = 0
    t00 = time.clock()
    t01 = t00
    chtName = path+'cht_'+name+'.bmp'
    print("drawing "+chtName)
    hdr = bmpHdr(XY)
    ##pixels =''  ##  Py2
    pixels = bytes('', 'utf-8')  ## Py3
    for Y in range(0, XY[1]): # (BMPs are L to R from the bottom L row)
        for X in range(0, XY[0]):
            # square rainbow for time tests -  as oposed to real data
            x = floor((255 * X)/XY[0])
            y = floor((255 * Y)/XY[1])
            (r,g,b) = [x, y, 128]   #Colour(data[x ,y])
            pixels += struct.pack('<BBB',b,g,r)
        row_mod = (hdr['width']*hdr['colordepth']/8) % 4
        if row_mod == 0:
            padding = 0 
            padding = (4 - row_mod)
        ##padbytes = ''  #  P2
        padbytes = bytes('', 'utf-8')  # P3
        for i in range(padding):
            padbytes += struct.pack('<B',0)
        pixels = pixels + padbytes

        # stats log
        if(0 == Y % 100 or Y == 0):
            n = len(pixels)
            t02 = time.clock()
            log = "{0:5d} L={1:8,d}, delta={2:7,d}, pad={3:4d}".format(XY[0]-Y, n, n-n0, padding)
            log += ", time = {0:6.3f}, cum = {1:7.3f}".format(t02-t01, t02-t00)
            t01 = t02
            n0 = n
    print("pixels generated, len = "+str(len(pixels)))
    bmp_write(chtName, hdr, pixels)

def bmpHdr(XY):
    print("bmphdr xy "+str(XY))
    hdr = {
        'width':XY[0],   #256
        'height':XY[1],  #256
    return hdr

#Function to write a bmp file.  It takes a dictionary (hdr) of
#header values and the pixel data (pixels) and writes them
#to a file.  This function is called at the bottom of the code.
def bmp_write(name, hdr, pixels):
    print('making bmp with '+str(len(pixels))+" pixels")
    mn1 = struct.pack('<B',hdr['mn1'])
    mn2 = struct.pack('<B',hdr['mn2'])
    filesize = struct.pack('<L',hdr['filesize'])
    undef1 = struct.pack('<H',hdr['undef1'])
    undef2 = struct.pack('<H',hdr['undef2'])
    offset = struct.pack('<L',hdr['offset'])
    headerlength = struct.pack('<L',hdr['headerlength'])
    width = struct.pack('<L',hdr['width'])
    height = struct.pack('<L',hdr['height'])
    colorplanes = struct.pack('<H',hdr['colorplanes'])
    colordepth = struct.pack('<H',hdr['colordepth'])
    compression = struct.pack('<L',hdr['compression'])
    imagesize = struct.pack('<L',hdr['imagesize'])
    res_hor = struct.pack('<L',hdr['res_hor'])
    res_vert = struct.pack('<L',hdr['res_vert'])
    palette = struct.pack('<L',hdr['palette'])
    importantcolors = struct.pack('<L',hdr['importantcolors'])
    #create the outfile
    outfile = open(name,'wb')   # 'bitmap_image.bmp'
    #write the header + the_bytes
    hdr = mn1+mn2
    hdr += filesize+undef1+undef2
    hdr += offset+headerlength+width+height
    hdr += colorplanes+colordepth+compression+imagesize+res_hor+res_vert
    hdr += palette+importantcolors
    print("headers = "+str(hdr))
    bmp = hdr + pixels
    print('writing bmp, len = '+str(len(bmp)))

def main():

    time0 = time.clock()
    print("start {0}x{0} bmp file @ {1:.3f}".format(Size, time0))

    # set the size of the bmp image here
    BuildImage("test", (Size,Size))
    time1 = time.clock()
    print("Chart complete, run time {0:.3f} secs".format(time1-time0))

if __name__ == '__main__':
4. Python 3.7 Output
Python 3.7.2 (tags/v3.7.2:9a3ffc0492, Dec 23 2018, 23:09:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> =============== RESTART: D:\Python37\MyScripts\Test\ =============== Warning (from warnings module): File "D:\Python37\MyScripts\Test\", line 130 time0 = time.clock() DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead start 1024x1024 bmp file @ 0.415 Warning (from warnings module): File "D:\Python37\MyScripts\Test\", line 23 t00 = time.clock() DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead drawing D:/Python37/MyScripts/Test/cht_test.bmp bmphdr xy (1024, 1024) Warning (from warnings module): File "D:\Python37\MyScripts\Test\", line 57 t02 = time.clock() DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead 1024 L= 3,072, delta= 3,072, pad= 0, time = 0.006, cum = 0.006 924 L= 310,272, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 0.541, cum = 0.546 824 L= 617,472, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 1.545, cum = 2.091 724 L= 924,672, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 2.540, cum = 4.632 624 L=1,231,872, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 28.350, cum = 32.981 524 L=1,539,072, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 55.790, cum = 88.771 424 L=1,846,272, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 64.711, cum = 153.482 324 L=2,153,472, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 76.717, cum = 230.199 224 L=2,460,672, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 86.619, cum = 316.818 124 L=2,767,872, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 98.077, cum = 414.895 24 L=3,075,072, delta=307,200, pad= 0, time = 105.663, cum = 520.558 pixels generated, len = 3145728 making bmp with 3145728 pixels headers = b'BM\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x006\x00\x00\x00(\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x18\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' writing bmp, len = 3145782 Warning (from warnings module): File "D:\Python37\MyScripts\Test\", line 135 time1 = time.clock() DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead Chart complete, run time 547.024 secs >>>
(Aug-16-2019, 01:38 PM)ThomasL Wrote: Do you know Numpy?
An images can be represented as an array of values.
I actually don´t understand why you are building a bmp with strings / bytes / bytestrings or what so ever.

There are lots of tutorials around this matter

Ok Ive taken a quick look at numpy.
1. Am I correct that numpy itself does not contain output function?
2. One strategy could be to build the pixel grid as an numpy 2-D array (indexing, no catenations) then ravel it and convert to byte string for the same file.write() as presently. Not clear to me if that would be trivial out of the box code or very fiddly?
3. It looks like scipy has some output functions (imsave) but does it handle all the headers properly?
(Just looking for a roadmap so I dont go down too many dark alleys!)
So Ive had a first step at using numpy. Code is below, Im sure its rather crude and any critique is very welcome.
The time 'signature' in terms of total run time for various n (to give a nxn image) is broadly similar to that for the Python2.7 char string catenation method.

The core code fragments are:
PX = np.zeros((size2, Size), dtype=(int,3))   # size2 is Size rounded up to mult of 4

for Y in range(0, XY[1]): # (BMPs are L to R from the bottom L row)
        for X in range(0, XY[0]):
            # dummy code to make square rainbow, as opposed to real contour data
            x = floor((255 * X)/XY[0])
            y = floor((255 * Y)/XY[1])

            (r,g,b) = [x, y, 128]   #Colour(data[x ,y])
            PX[X,Y] = (b,r,g)

# could probably be a 1 liner
vec = np.ravel(PX, order='C')
vec = [int(v) for v in vec]
vec = bytes(vec)
Here is the new code in full to build the pixel array (a bit messy because f logging & tracking info):
def BuildImage2(name, XY):
    # using numpy array
    global t01

    n0 = 0
    t00 = time.process_time()
    t01 = t00

    def delTime():
        global t01
        t02 = time.process_time()
        t = t02-t01
        t01 = t02
        return t
    chtName2 = path+'cht_'+name+'2.bmp'
    print("drawing "+chtName2)
    hdr = bmpHdr(XY)

    # pretty sure theres a neater way to do this
    row_mod = (hdr['width']*hdr['colordepth']/8) % 4
    if row_mod == 0:
        pad = 0 
        pad = (4 - row_mod)
    size2 = Size+pad
    PX = np.zeros((size2, Size), dtype=(int,3))
    t02 = time.process_time()
    print("empty array tim: {0:.3f} secs".format(delTime()))
    for Y in range(0, XY[1]): # (BMPs are L to R from the bottom L row)
        for X in range(0, XY[0]):
            x = floor((255 * X)/XY[0])
            y = floor((255 * Y)/XY[1])
            (r,g,b) = [x, y, 128]   #Colour(data[x ,y])
            PX[X,Y] = (b,r,g)

        #if(0 == Y % 100 or Y == 0):
        #    print("{0:5d} time = {0:6.3f}".format(XY[0]-Y, delTime()))
    print("PX populated")
    print( PX.shape)
    t02 = time.process_time()
    print("poulated array tim: {0:.3f} secs".format(delTime()))

    vec = np.ravel(PX, order='C')
    print("PX ravelled, len={0}".format(len(vec)))

    vec = [int(v) for v in vec]
    vec = bytes(vec)
    print("PX bytes, len={0}".format(len(vec)))
    print("bytes array tim: {0:.3f} secs".format(delTime()))

    bmp_write(chtName2, hdr, vec)

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