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Pyhton Newbie invites critique on Pump Calculator
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Pyhton Newbie invites critique on Pump Calculator
A first learning script written in Python language by Kevin Brown following a program developed in Power Basic language many years ago. The script is presented here as part of the learning process to invite critique and advise from more experienced Python developers on how to develop and write code following good practice.

Looking forward to comments advise as a new member of this group.

# A first learning script written in Python language by Kevin Brown following a program developed in Power Basic language
# many years ago.  The script is presented here as part of the learning process to invite critique and advise from more
# experienced Python developers on how to develop code.
# PROGRAM OBJECTIVE :   To calculate Hydraulic power, Duty Power and electric Motor nameplate rating of a pump based on the
# engineering input values of  flow, fluid density, pump differential head ( or inlet and outlet pressure),
# estimated pump efficiency %  and % margin for electric motor power.
# Typical values   Flow 600 m3/h  Density 1000 kg/m3   Diff Head 300 m of fluid   Efficiency 80%  Power Margin 10%  
# The units of measure (UOM) are currently only SI units  m3/h  bar  m of fluid  KW. 
# Further enhancement should include US Customary units BPD or US Gal/min  psig and BHP and saving to random access files or an SQL
# data base.
from tkinter import *
from datetime import *

def donothing():
   filewin = Toplevel(window)
   button = Button(filewin, text=" Put your action code here.")
   button.pack( padx = 10, pady = 45 )

def ExitProg() :
import tkinter.messagebox as box
window = Tk()

sv = StringVar()
time_stamp = StringVar()


lbl01Flow = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl02Dens = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl03Suct = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl04Disc = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl05Diff = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl06Effi = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl07Marg = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl08Hydr = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl09Duty = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl09Name = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)

lblHydPwr11 = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10, anchor = W)
lblDutPwr12 = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10, anchor = W)
lblNamPwr13 = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10, anchor = W)
lbl14Desc   = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl15File   = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 20, anchor = W)
lbl16Sugg   = Label(window,relief = 'groove', width = 34, anchor = W)

EntFlow = Entry(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10)
EntDens = Entry(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10)
EntSuct = Entry(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10)
EntDisc = Entry(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10)
EntDiff = Entry(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10)

EntEffi = Entry(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10)
EntMarg = Entry(window,relief = 'groove', width = 10)

sv.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, sv=sv: callback(sv))
EntDesc = Entry(window, textvariable=sv, width = 32)  

menubar = Menu(window)
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff =0 )
filemenu.add_command(label="New", command=donothing)
filemenu.add_command(label="Open", command=donothing)
filemenu.add_command(label="Save", command=donothing)
filemenu.add_command(label="Save as...", command=donothing)
filemenu.add_command(label="Close", command=ExitProg)
menubar.add_cascade(label ='File', menu = filemenu)
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff =0 )

CalcBtn = Button(window)
ClrAllBtn = Button(window)
ClrOutBtn = Button(window)
ClrExitBtn = Button(window)
AcceptBtn = Button(window)

# Geometry

x01 = 20
x02 = 180
x03 = 280
x04 = 440
x05 = 500
x06 = 560

y01 = 60
y02 = 80
y03 = 100
y04 = 120
y05 = 140
y06 = 160
y07 = 180
y08 = 200
y09 = 220
y10 = 240
y11 = 260
y12 = 280
y13 = 300
y14 = 320
y15 = 340
y16 = 360
y17 = 380
y18 = 400
y19 = 420
y20 = 440 = x01, y = y01) = x01, y = y02) = x01, y = y06) = x01, y = y07) = x01, y = y08) = x01, y = y09) = x01, y = y10) = x03, y = y08) = x03, y = y09) = x03, y = y10) = x04, y = y08) = x04, y = y09) = x04, y = y10) = x01, y = y16) = x01, y = y17) = x02, y = y17) = x02 , y = y01) = x02 , y = y02) = x02 , y = y06) = x02 , y = y07) = x02 , y = y08) = x02 , y = y09) = x02 , y = y10) = x02 , y = y16)

var = IntVar()
var01 = IntVar()
# Option to input 2 presssure from which to calcualte differential pressure or
# simply to input the differential pressure value.
radio1 = Radiobutton(window, text = 'Input Pressures' , variable=var, value=1 ) 
radio2 = Radiobutton(window, text = 'Input Diff. head', variable=var, value=2 )
# Default is enter differntial pressure value.

# Accept the suggested filename with time stamp
#check01 = Checkbutton(window, text = 'Accept', variable = var01,onvalue = 1 , offvalue = 0)

EntSuct.configure(state = DISABLED)
EntDisc.configure(state = DISABLED) = x02, y = y12) = 280, y = y12) = x04, y = y12) x = x04, y = y20) ( x = x04, y = y17) (x = x01, y = y03) (x = x02, y = y03) (x = x04, y = y17)

# Static properties
window.title('Pump Power Calculator SI units (1)') # Initial window title
CalcBtn.configure( text = 'Calculate Power')
ClrAllBtn.configure( text = 'Clear all')
ClrOutBtn.configure( text = 'Clear output')
ClrExitBtn.configure( text = 'Exit')
AcceptBtn.configure( text = 'Accept Filename')

# Initial Properties

lbl01Flow.configure( text = 'Flow (m3/h)')
lbl02Dens.configure( text = 'Density (kg/m3)')
lbl03Suct.configure( text = 'Suction (barg)')
lbl04Disc.configure( text = 'Discharge (barg)')
lbl05Diff.configure( text = 'Diff. Head ( m of fluid)')
lbl06Effi.configure( text = 'Est Pump efficiency %')
lbl07Marg.configure( text = 'Motor Power Margin %')
lbl08Hydr.configure( text = 'Hydraulic Power (KW)')
lbl09Duty.configure( text = 'Duty Power (KW)')
lbl09Name.configure( text = 'Nameplate Power (KW)')

lbl14Desc.configure( text = 'Pump Service Description')
lbl15File.configure( text = 'Suggested Filename')

# Dynamic Proprties

def Calc() :   
    if EntEffi.get() == "":
       box.showinfo('Input error ','Efficiencey (%) must be greater than 0')
    if EntMarg.get() == "":
       box.showinfo('Input error ','Power margin (%) must be greater than 0')
    if var.get() == 1 :
     EntDiff.configure(state = NORMAL)
     EntDiff.delete(0, 'end')
     Flow = float(EntFlow.get())
     Dens = float(EntDens.get())
     Suct = float(EntSuct.get())
     Disc = float(EntDisc.get())
     # p = (0.0981 * SG ) * h
     # h =  p / ( 0.0981 * SG )
     Diff = (Disc - Suct) / (0.981 * (Dens)/10000) 
     EntDiff.insert(0,  '%.2f' % Diff )
     #Diff = float(EntDiff.get())
     Effi = float(EntEffi.get())
     Marg = float(EntMarg.get())
     # Hydraulic Power =  flow *  Dens * 9.81 * Diff  / 3610600 
     Hydr = ( Flow * Dens * 9.81 * Diff ) / 3610600
     lblHydPwr11.configure( text = '%.2f' % Hydr )
     #EntDisc.insert(0,  '%.2f' % Hydr  )
     Duty = Hydr * (100/Effi)
     Name = Duty * ((100 + Marg)/100)
     lblDutPwr12.configure( text = '%.2f' % Duty )
     lblNamPwr13.configure( text = '%.2f' % Name )
    else :
      Flow = float(EntFlow.get())
      Dens = float(EntDens.get())
      Diff = float(EntDiff.get())
      Effi = float(EntEffi.get())
      Marg = float(EntMarg.get())
      # Hydraulic Power =  flow *  Dens * 9.81 * Diff  / 3610600 
      Hydr = ( Flow * Dens * 9.81 * Diff ) / 3610600
      lblHydPwr11.configure( text = '%.2f' % Hydr )
     # EntDisc.insert(0,  '%.2f' % Hydr  )
      Duty = Hydr * (100/Effi)
      Name = Duty * ((100 + Marg)/100)
      lblDutPwr12.configure( text = '%.2f' % Duty )
      lblNamPwr13.configure( text = '%.2f' % Name )


def ClrAll() :
        EntFlow.delete(0, 'end')
        EntDens.delete(0, 'end')
        EntSuct.delete(0, 'end')
        EntDisc.delete(0, 'end')
        EntDiff.delete(0, 'end')
        EntEffi.delete(0, 'end')
        EntMarg.delete(0, 'end')
        EntDens.delete(0, 'end')        
        EntFlow.delete(0, 'end')

        lblHydPwr11.configure( text = '' )
        lblDutPwr12.configure( text = '' )
        lblNamPwr13.configure( text = '' )

        CalcBtn.configure( state = NORMAL)

def inputPress() :
        ClrInputPress ()
        EntSuct.configure(state = NORMAL)
        EntDisc.configure(state = NORMAL)
        EntDiff.configure(state = DISABLED)

def inputDiff() :
        ClrInputPress ()
        EntSuct.configure(state = DISABLED)
        EntDisc.configure(state = DISABLED)
        EntDiff.configure(state = NORMAL)
def ClrOutput() :
        lblHydPwr11.configure( text = '' )
        lblDutPwr12.configure( text = '' )
        lblNamPwr13.configure( text = '' )

def ClrInputPress() :
        EntSuct.delete(0, 'end')
        EntDisc.delete(0, 'end')
        EntDiff.delete(0, 'end')

def callback(sv):
       today =
       time_stamp = (sv.get()+ '_'+ today.strftime('%d') + today.strftime('%B') [0:3]+   today.strftime('%Y') + ' '+  today.strftime('%H')+ '_'+  today.strftime('%M')+ '_'+  today.strftime('%S')   )
       #print (time_stamp)
       window.title( time_stamp)
       lbl16Sugg.configure( text = (time_stamp))       
       return True
def AcceptFile():
        EntDesc.configure(state = DISABLED)
        lbl16Sugg.configure(state = DISABLED)

CalcBtn.configure( command = Calc)
ClrAllBtn.configure( command = ClrAll)
ClrOutBtn.configure( command = ClrOutput)
ClrExitBtn.configure ( command = ExitProg)
AcceptBtn.configure( command = AcceptFile)
radio1.configure ( command = inputPress) 
radio2.configure ( command = inputDiff) 

# Sustain window

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