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Getting top albums from
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Getting top albums from
Im getting the top artists from a specific country from lastfm api. Im getting the name of each artist and store in the artists{} with success with:

import requests
    api_key = "0929f1144e531702a5563c887cbbade0" "generated for the working example
    ID = 0
    artists = {}
    for i in range(1, 3):
        artists_response = requests.get('' + str(i) + '&api_key=' + api_key)
        artists_data = artists_response.json()
        for artist in artists_data["topartists"]["artist"]:
            name = artist["name"]
            artists[ID] = {}
            artists[ID]['ID'] = ID
            artists[ID]['name'] = name
            ID += 1
But now for each artist I want to get the top5 albums of the artist and store in the albums{} the artist name, the correspondent artist id from artists{}, the name the album, and the url of the album.

For example for each artist, I want to print 5 records, one for each album of the top5 albums of that artist like:

 "Artist": "U2", "ID": 175, "ArtistID": 10, "Title": Achtung    Baby",  
     "Image": ""},
     "URL": ""}, "487": {"Date": "2004-01-01"
     "Artist": "U2", "ID": 176, "ArtistID": 10, "Description": "None", "Title": "Boy", 

     ... and then the same for the other 3 albums of the top5
To get this I have the code below, but its not working correctly. The artistId appears always as "0" and it only appears the 5 albums of the first artist. Do you know where is the issue?

albums = {}
    for i,v in artists.items():
        chosen = artists[i]['name'].replace(" ", "+")
        topalbums_response = requests.get('' + chosen + '&api_key=' + api_key + '&limit=5')
        albums_data = topalbums_response.json()
        for album in albums_data['topalbums']['album']:
            name = album["name"]
            url = album["url"]
            albums[ID] = {}
            albums[ID]['ID'] = ID
            albums[ID]['artist'] = artists[i]['name']
            albums[ID]['artistID'] = artists[i]['ID']
            albums[ID]['name'] = name
            albums[ID]['url'] = url
            for image in album['image']:
                if (image["size"] == "large"):
                    if (image["size"] is not None):
                        image = image["#text"]
                        albums[ID]['image'] = image
            ID += 1
Full example

    import requests
    api_key = "0929f1144e531702a5563c887cbbade0" "generated for the working example
    ID = 0
    artists = {}
    for i in range(1, 3):
        artists_response = requests.get('' + str(i) + '&api_key=' + api_key)
        artists_data = artists_response.json()
        for artist in artists_data["topartists"]["artist"]:
            name = artist["name"]
            artists[ID] = {}
            artists[ID]['ID'] = ID
            artists[ID]['name'] = name
            ID += 1

albums = {}
    for i,v in artists.items():
        chosen = artists[i]['name'].replace(" ", "+")
        topalbums_response = requests.get('' + chosen + '&api_key=' + api_key + '&limit=5')
        albums_data = topalbums_response.json()
        for album in albums_data['topalbums']['album']:
            name = album["name"]
            url = album["url"]
            albums[ID] = {}
            albums[ID]['ID'] = ID
            albums[ID]['artist'] = artists[i]['name']
            albums[ID]['artistID'] = artists[i]['ID']
            albums[ID]['name'] = name
            albums[ID]['url'] = url
            for image in album['image']:
                if (image["size"] == "large"):
                    if (image["size"] is not None):
                        image = image["#text"]
                        albums[ID]['image'] = image
            ID += 1
When I run your program, I don't get: "The artistId appears always as 0"

import requests
import pprint

api_key = "0929f1144e531702a5563c887cbbade0"
ID = 0
artists = {}
for i in range(1, 3):
    artists_response = requests.get('' + str(i) + '&api_key=' + api_key)
    artists_data = artists_response.json()
    for artist in artists_data["topartists"]["artist"]:
        name = artist["name"]
        if ID > 3: continue # 3 artists only for testing
        artists[ID] = {}
        artists[ID]['ID'] = ID
        artists[ID]['name'] = name
        ID += 1

albums = {}
for i,v in artists.items():
    chosen = artists[i]['name'].replace(" ", "+")
    topalbums_response = requests.get('' + chosen + '&api_key=' + api_key + '&limit=5')
    albums_data = topalbums_response.json()

    for album in albums_data['topalbums']['album']:
        name = album["name"]
        url = album["url"]

        albums[ID] = {}
        albums[ID]['ID'] = ID
        albums[ID]['artist'] = artists[i]['name']
        albums[ID]['artistID'] = artists[i]['ID']
        albums[ID]['name'] = name
        albums[ID]['url'] = url

        for image in album['image']:
            if (image["size"] == "large"):
                if (image["size"] is not None):
                    image = image["#text"]
                    albums[ID]['image'] = image
        ID += 1
{0: {'ID': 0, 'name': 'David Bowie'},  1: {'ID': 1, 'name': 'Radiohead'},  2: {'ID': 2, 'name': 'Coldplay'},  3: {'ID': 3, 'name': 'Queen'}} {4: {'ID': 4,      'artist': 'David Bowie',      'artistID': 0,      'image': '',      'name': 'Best of Bowie',      'url': ''},  5: {'ID': 5,      'artist': 'David Bowie',      'artistID': 0,      'image': '',      'name': 'Hunky Dory',      'url': ''},  6: {'ID': 6,      'artist': 'David Bowie',      'artistID': 0,      'image': '',      'name': "Let's Dance",      'url': ''},  7: {'ID': 7,      'artist': 'David Bowie',      'artistID': 0,      'image': '',      'name': 'The Best of David Bowie 1969-74',      'url': ''},  8: {'ID': 8,      'artist': 'David Bowie',      'artistID': 0,      'image': '',      'name': 'Heroes',      'url': ''},  9: {'ID': 9,      'artist': 'Radiohead',      'artistID': 1,      'image': '',      'name': 'OK Computer',      'url': ''},  10: {'ID': 10,       'artist': 'Radiohead',       'artistID': 1,       'image': '',       'name': 'In Rainbows',       'url': ''},  11: {'ID': 11,       'artist': 'Radiohead',       'artistID': 1,       'image': '',       'name': 'The Bends',       'url': ''},  12: {'ID': 12,       'artist': 'Radiohead',       'artistID': 1,       'image': '',       'name': 'Kid A',       'url': ''},  13: {'ID': 13,       'artist': 'Radiohead',       'artistID': 1,       'image': '',       'name': 'Pablo Honey',       'url': ''},  14: {'ID': 14,       'artist': 'Coldplay',       'artistID': 2,       'image': '',       'name': 'A Rush of Blood to the Head',       'url': ''},  15: {'ID': 15,       'artist': 'Coldplay',       'artistID': 2,       'image': '',       'name': 'Parachutes',       'url': ''},  16: {'ID': 16,       'artist': 'Coldplay',       'artistID': 2,       'image': '',       'name': 'Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends',       'url': ''},  17: {'ID': 17,       'artist': 'Coldplay',       'artistID': 2,       'image': '',       'name': 'X&Y',       'url': ''},  18: {'ID': 18,       'artist': 'Coldplay',       'artistID': 2,       'image': '',       'name': 'Mylo Xyloto',       'url': ''},  19: {'ID': 19,       'artist': 'Queen',       'artistID': 3,       'image': '',       'name': 'Greatest Hits',       'url': ''},  20: {'ID': 20,       'artist': 'Queen',       'artistID': 3,       'image': '',       'name': 'Greatest Hits II',       'url': ''},  21: {'ID': 21,       'artist': 'Queen',       'artistID': 3,       'image': '',       'name': 'A Night at the Opera',       'url': ''},  22: {'ID': 22,       'artist': 'Queen',       'artistID': 3,       'image': '',       'name': 'Jazz',       'url': ''},  23: {'ID': 23,       'artist': 'Queen',       'artistID': 3,       'image': '',       'name': 'Greatest Hits III',       'url': ''}}

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