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My first pathfinding algorithm
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My first pathfinding algorithm
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I figured out how to write a basic pathfinding algorithm in pygame, and I'm pretty proud of it. So I was wondering if there's anything I could've done better.
from constants import *
import sys
import pygame
import time

Pathfinding Algorithm written by: Tyler

I managed to write a pathfinding system without watching any direct coding tutorials on how to do it. All I've really 
done before codeing this, is watch a video on how pathfinding algorithms generally work and figured out the rest. It
wasn't easy though, this is probably the most lines of code I've written into a project so far.

I've also went about doing a different script structure than normal. Personally I think it looks better.

- Click a tile to add/remove a wall.
- Right click to place/move the target tile
- Press the Space key and watch the magic happen!

The reason I went ahead to do this is because I figured that knowing how to do pathfinding is one of those things that 
are necessary to making most games. Along with animations, spritesheets, serialization, and the works. Hopefully I can
write a more efficient system in the future, so what do you think?

Thanks for checking this out!

# Main program function
def Program():
    # General Imports
    from pathfinding import Agent, Target
    from grid import Grid

    # Window setup
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT))
    viewport = pygame.Surface((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT))

    # Game Clock setup
    Clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    prevTime = time.time()

    # Class Instances
    Grid.obj = Grid(0, 0, 1)

    Agent.obj = Agent(10, 10, prevTime)  # (Tile X, Tile Y, prevTime)

    # Main game loop
    while True:
        # Ticks the clock, making the program only run at a maximum set FPS
        # FPS Counter
        pygame.display.set_caption(f"Pathfinding | FPS: {round(Clock.get_fps())}")
        # Gets the current time.
        curTime = time.time()
        # Gets deltatime value.
        deltaTime = curTime - prevTime
        # Resets prevTime to curTime
        prevTime = curTime

        # Clears the screen.

        # Event interpreter which checks for program events and handles what to do when said events occur.
        # This function is starting to get a bit long, maybe I could have a seperate script for it...
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            # Allows the player to quit the game.
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            # Detect for any kind of mouse press.
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                # This would only run if the current game state is 'standby'
                if GET_GAMESTATE() == 'standby':
                    Grid.obj.mouseButtonDown(event.pos, event.button)
            # Checks for when a key is pressed
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                # DEBUG: Manually scans the layout and prints which tiles are adjacent to Agent.
                if event.key == pygame.K_e:
                    layout = Grid.obj.scanLayout()
                    for line in layout:

                # Triggers when the Space key is pressed and if the gamestate is at a specific value.
                if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and GET_GAMESTATE() == 'standby':
                    # Tells the Agent to search for the Target. Not before checking if the Target exists at all.
                    if Agent.obj.startSearch(Grid.obj, curTime) is not False:
                        # Change the gamestate.

        # Updates class instances

        if Target.obj is not None:

        Agent.obj.update(viewport, Grid.obj, curTime, deltaTime)

        # Updates screen to reflect changes
        screen.blit(viewport, (0, 0))

# This is the main script! Run this first!
# Starting to realize the real importantance of this simple line of code. When I was new, I used to have problems with
# circular imports to the point where I was reluctant to try multi file projects for a while.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# =======GAME STATES==========
# 'standby' = Nothing is happening, you can place down walls and change the target position
# 'searching' = The Agent searchs the layout until it finds the Target
# 'pathing' = Generates a path starting from the target to the Agent
# 'moving' = The pathfinding agent traverses down the path generated until it reaches the target.

# The beginning state of the program.
GAME_STATE = 'standby'

# At first, I thought changing and checking the current game_state was as easy as just changing the value or using an
# if statment, but do to how importing from other python files works, it's not that simple, you could probably figure
# out why on Google. I did come up of a solution though, and it seems to work fine.

# When called, it returns the current game state. Allows other files to get info on what the current game state is.
    return GAME_STATE

# Important function, when called, it will change the gamestate of the game, affecting lots of different things.
    global GAME_STATE
    GAME_STATE = newState
    print(f"Switching gamestate to '{GAME_STATE}'")

# The size of the window
# Frames per second
FPS = 60
# The size of each tile.
# Calculates how many tiles can fit on the X and Y axis depending on the Window and Tile size
# Color Dictionary
    "black": (0, 0, 0),
    "white": (255, 255, 255),
    "grey": (128, 128, 128),
    "blue": (0, 0, 255),
    "red": (255, 0, 0),
    "yellow": (255, 255, 0),
    "orange": (255, 128, 0)
from main import *
from pathfinding import Agent, Target

# The more I go on, I keep finding better ways of doing certain things. Before, I just create multiple instance of
# tiles, instead, I just have to make a list of multiple rects and I think it works much better.

# Well nevermind then... recently I've gone back to using class instances. The reason for this because I could properly
# use if statments to check which tile it actually is. Also, I think this will improve code readability for me and
# others later on.

# The Base grid class.
# Resposible for rendering the grid and generating the layout for the path finding agent.
class Grid:
    obj = None

    # Runs on instance initilization.
    def __init__(self, offX, offY, spacing):
        # Declares list of to store all tile rects and wall instances.
        self.tilelist = []
        # Stores all tile positions
        self.tileRects = []
        # The offset position of the grid.
        self.offset = (offX, offY)
        # The amount of pixels between each tile.
        self.spacing = spacing

        # Prepare a list of tiles based of col and row index
        for row_index in range(GRID_ROWS):
            for col_index in range(GRID_COLS):
                x = col_index * TILE_SIZE
                y = row_index * TILE_SIZE
                # With said information, adds the rect to the list.
                self.tilelist.append(Tile(x, y, TILE_SIZE - spacing))
                self.tileRects.append(pygame.Rect(x, y, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE))

        # The most primal form of the layout, will soon to used later
        self.rawList = []
        # Holds the full layout with the correct listing.
        self.layout = list()

    # When called it will check for mouse inputs and save the position the mouse was at when pressed
    def mouseButtonDown(self, pos, key):
        # Swap tile
        if key == 1:  # Left Mouse Button
            # For each tile of the instance, check if the mouse position is inside any given rect.
            for tile in self.tilelist:
                if tile.rect.collidepoint(pos):
                    # Swaps the tile
        if key == 3:  # Right Mouse Button
            # For each tile, check of the mouse position is inside any of them.
            for tile in self.tilelist:
                if tile.rect.collidepoint(pos):
                    # Create/Change the position of Target at the position of tile.
                    Target.obj = Target(tile.rect.x, tile.rect.y)

    # Swap tile function, this still works whether if it's a tile or a wall.
    # This function also ensures that the new tile will retain the list index the old tile used to have thanks to
    # insert()
    def swapTile(self, tile):
        print(f"Removed tile ID: {self.tilelist.index(tile)}")
        # Retrieves some information about the tile
        targetedIndex = self.tilelist.index(tile)
        oldRectX = tile.rect.x
        oldrectY = tile.rect.y

        # Deletes the rect

        # A class check which determines what happens next.
        if tile.__class__ == Tile:
            # Creates a regular tile at the old rect's position and with its old index.
            self.tilelist.insert(targetedIndex, Wall(oldRectX, oldrectY, TILE_SIZE))
        elif tile.__class__ == Wall:
            # Creates a wall tile at the old rect's position and with its old index.
            self.tilelist.insert(targetedIndex, Tile(oldRectX, oldrectY, TILE_SIZE - self.spacing))

    # Will called, it will return a layout of the map in the form of a nested list.
    def scanLayout(self):
        # Clears the list to prevent unexpected layout duplication
        # For every tile in the grid, it will check to see of it collides with the windowRect
        for tile in self.tilelist:
            # Appends a certain number to the raw list depending on the class of the tile.
            if tile.__class__ == Tile:
            if tile.__class__ == Wall:

        # Converts the long list into a clean, nested list. Thus saving the structual layout of the level
        for i in range(0, len(self.rawList), GRID_ROWS):
            self.layout.append(self.rawList[i:i + GRID_COLS])

        # Gets the agent's center position
        agentCenter =
        # Sets targetCenter to None
        targetCenter = None
        # Checks if a Target exists.
        if Target.obj is not None:
            targetCenter =

        # Each tile checks to see if the agent's center position is inside their rect.
        for tile in self.tilelist:
            # Checks if the tile detects Agent.
            if tile.rect.collidepoint(agentCenter):
                self.tileIntegration(tile, 2)
            # Checks if the tile detects a path tile
            elif tile.rect.collideobjects(Agent.obj.pathList):
                self.tileIntegration(tile, 3)
            # Check if the tile detects Target
            elif targetCenter is not None:
                if tile.rect.collidepoint(targetCenter):
                    self.tileIntegration(tile, 9)

        # Returns the layout to the thing that called it.
        # Empty Tiles = 0, Walls = 1, Agent = 2, Path Tile = 3, Target = 9
        return self.layout

    # Function for replacing values in self.layout
    # Funny How I realize a better way of doing this, days after I wrote it
    def tileIntegration(self, tile, newID):
        # Splits the tile's position into two seperate variables
        objX, objY = tile.rect.topleft

        # Divides each value by the tilesizes to get true tile positions
        objTileX = int(objX / TILE_SIZE)
        objTileY = int(objY / TILE_SIZE)

        # Sets a specific nested list value using the two position variable to new ID
        self.layout[objTileY][objTileX] = newID

    # Draws every tile on the screen
    def draw(self, viewport):
        # Draws each rect in the list
        for tile in self.tilelist:
            # Checks if the class of the tile and will act accordingly
            if tile.__class__ == Tile:
                pygame.draw.rect(viewport, COLOR["black"], tile)
            elif tile.__class__ == Wall:
                pygame.draw.rect(viewport, COLOR["grey"], tile)

# Tile Sub-Class
class Tile:
    def __init__(self, x, y, tilesize):
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, tilesize, tilesize)

# Wall Sub-Class
class Wall:
    def __init__(self, x, y, tilesize):
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, tilesize, tilesize)
from main import *
# Basic font
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 28)

# Out of Bounds Check
# Checks if the specified adjacent tile is out of bounds (outside the screen). Returns None if so.
def oobCheck(layout, x, y, offsetX, offsetY):
    # Checks if Y + offsetY would be greater than GRID_ROWS or lower than 0.
    if y + offsetY >= GRID_ROWS or y + offsetY < 0:
        return None
    # Checks if X + offsetX would be greater than GRID_COLS or lower than 0.
    if x + offsetX >= GRID_COLS or x + offsetX < 0:
        return None
    # If above statements are false.
    direction = layout[y + offsetY][x + offsetX]

    # Returns the direction, and the offset in a neat little list! :)
    return [direction, (offsetX, offsetY)]

# Used for checking what tiles are adjcent to a tile. Then returning the results
def getAdjacents(layout, objX, objY):
    adjacent = {
        # HINT: oobCheck(layout, X, Y, offsetX, offsetY)
        "right": oobCheck(layout, objX, objY, 1, 0),
        "down": oobCheck(layout, objX, objY, 0, 1),
        "left": oobCheck(layout, objX, objY, -1, 0),
        "up": oobCheck(layout, objX, objY, 0, -1)
    return adjacent

# Master parent class. All child classes will inherit and go through the code of init. I did this to lower the amount
# of repeating code. Every developer hates that for some reason.
class Common:
    def __init__(self, tileX, tileY, pathID):
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(tileX * TILE_SIZE, tileY * TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)
        # Saves the pathID for pathfinding.
        self.pathID = pathID
        # The text that will display the path ID of the child instance
        self.text = font.render(f"{self.pathID}", False, COLOR["white"], COLOR["black"])

        # Saves the tile position the instance started on.
        self.tileX = tileX
        self.tileY = tileY

# The Pathfinding agent who will pathfind their way to the next target.
# Man, and I thought making the grid script was complicated. I guess it makes sense.
class Agent(Common):
    obj = None

    # Runs on instance initilization.
    def __init__(self, tileX, tileY, prevTime):
        super().__init__(tileX, tileY, 0)

        # How much delay between each time the createPath function is called.
        self.searchDelay = 0.01
        # Becomes important when searching for the target is impossible.
        self.stall = 0
        # Time variable
        self.prevTime = prevTime

        # How fast the agent will move during the movement phase.
        self.speed = 5

        # List to hold all spread tiles for searching for the exit.
        self.pathList = list()
        # List of positions, generated during the pathing phase that the agent moves through
        self.route = list()

    # Runs once every frame
    def update(self, viewport, grid, curTime, deltaTime):

        # Runs a function depending on the game state.
        if GET_GAMESTATE() == 'searching':
            self.targetSearch(curTime, grid)
        elif GET_GAMESTATE() == 'pathing':
        elif GET_GAMESTATE() == 'moving':

        # Draws everything associated with the Agent

    # Searches for the target
    def targetSearch(self, curTime, grid):
        # Only runs after a specified amount of time has passed
        if curTime - self.prevTime >= self.searchDelay:
            # Gets the old length of the list to compare later.
            oldPathCount = len(self.pathList)
            for path in self.pathList:
                # Checks if path has found the target.
                if path.targetFound():
                    # Deletes the path that collided with target

                    # Deletes any extra path tiles

                    # Generates and prints the layout.
                    layout = grid.scanLayout()
                    for line in layout:

                    # Change the game state to the pathing phase.
                    print(f"Path Count: {len(self.pathList)}")
                # Runs if the path tile is active
                elif is True:

                    # Scan the layout
                    layout = grid.scanLayout()
                    # Get the adjacent tile information
                    adjacent = getAdjacents(layout, path.tileX, path.tileY)

                    # Create more path tiles based of said info
                    self.createPathTile(path.tileX, path.tileY, adjacent, path.pathID)

                    # Make the path tile unactive
           = False

                    # Resets the stall counter.
                    self.stall = 0

                    # Ends the loop

            # If the length of the new path list is the same as the old one, then increase stall by one.
            if len(self.pathList) == oldPathCount:
                self.stall += 1

            # Ends the search prematurely if stall is over 5
            if self.stall > 5:
                # Deletes all path tiles.
                # Display error message
                print("[SEARCH FAILED] The target was impossible to get to!")
                # Change the gamestate back to standby.
            # Resets the timer
            self.prevTime = curTime

    # Deletes any extra path tiles
    def pathCleanup(self):
        for path in self.pathList:
            if path.agentCollide():
            if path.selfCollide():

    # Sets up the route to the target
    # Probably the most complicated part of this program.
    # There's a lot of complicated things I write in this script
    def routeCreation(self, grid):
        # Gets selection rect
        selection = Target.selectionRect

        # Gets the tile position of selection
        tileX = int(selection.x / TILE_SIZE)
        tileY = int(selection.y / TILE_SIZE)

        # Gets the layout of the level.
        layout = grid.scanLayout()

        # Gets tiles adjacent to selection
        adjacent = getAdjacents(layout, tileX, tileY)

        # Declare list for get the index of adjacent path tiles
        adjPaths = list()

        # For each direction in adjacent
        for direction in adjacent:
            # Shortens the path for convenience
            dirInfo = adjacent[direction]
            # If the contents of dirInfo is not None
            if dirInfo is not None:
                # The tile found in that direction
                tile = dirInfo[0]

                # If tile is the agent tile
                if tile == 2:
                    print("The route has been completed!")
                    # Pauses the program for two seconds

                    # Deletes all path tiles
                    # Reverse the order of every position in route.

                    # Change the game state and end the function

                # If the tile is a path tile
                elif tile == 3:
                    # The offset to get that direction.
                    offsetX, offsetY = dirInfo[1]
                    # Gets the adjacent tile's position.
                    adjPos = (tileX + offsetX) * TILE_SIZE, (tileY + offsetY) * TILE_SIZE

                    # Every path checks if the following conditions are true
                    for path in self.pathList:
                        # Checks if the adjPos is inside path
                        if path.rect.collidepoint(adjPos):
                            # Appends data about the path to adjPaths
                                    "pathID": path.pathID,
                                    "index": self.pathList.index(path),
                                    "pos": path.rect.topleft

        # This next part involves finding the adjacent tile with the lowest path id and setting up the other values
        # associated with it. For some reason I can't use min() with dictionaries so this is the solution I came up
        # with. It's probably terrible.

        # List of adjacent path IDs
        idList = list()
        # List of adjacent path indexs
        indexList = list()
        # List of avalible adjacent path positions
        posList = list()

        # Each dictionary in adjPaths
        for item in adjPaths:
            # Add each key is appended to their own seperate lists
            # Since each key is added at the same time, hopefully they will have the same indexes, so it will be easy to
            # get them when needed.

        # Gets the index of the lowest path id. Hopefully, this will allow the program to get the other keys that are
        # associated with the id.
        lowPathIndex = idList.index(min(idList))

        # Finally, using lowPathIndex, puts the right values right back into a dictionary that is the key to making
        # this work. Man, this took a bit to figure out :(
        tileData = {
            "pathID": idList[lowPathIndex],
            "index": indexList[lowPathIndex],
            "pos": posList[lowPathIndex]

        print(f"Current Path Data: {tileData}")

        # Now that the program has the information needed. Here's the easy/fun part!

        # Adds the position to the route.

        # Shortens the path to the next tile.
        nextTile = self.pathList[tileData["index"]]

        # Change the color of the next tile.
        nextTile.color = COLOR["orange"]

        # Move the selection to the next tile's position
        Target.selectionRect.topleft = tileData["pos"]

    # TODO: Make it so the agent moves along a route.
    def movementPhase(self, deltatime):
        # If the route list is empty.
        if len(self.route) == 0:
            print("The agent has made it to their destination!")
            # Updates the agent's tile position
            self.tileX = int(self.rect.x / TILE_SIZE)
            self.tileY = int(self.rect.y / TILE_SIZE)

            # Change the gamestate and ends the function.

        # Gets the first position in the route.
        nextPos = self.route[0]

        # Checks if the agent's position is equal to nextPos
        if self.rect.topleft == nextPos:
            # Remove nextPos from the route
            # Splits the agent's position and nextPos into seperate variables
            x, y = self.rect.topleft
            nx, ny = nextPos

            if x < nx:  # If nextPos is to the right of Agent
                # Move Right
                self.movement(1, 0, deltatime)
            elif x > nx: # If nextPos is to the left of Agent
                # Move left
                self.movement(-1, 0, deltatime)
            elif y < ny: # If nextPos is below Agent
                # Move Down
                self.movement(0, 1, deltatime)
            elif y > ny: # If nextPos is above Agent
                # Move Up
                self.movement(0, -1, deltatime)

    # When called, moves the agent in a certain direction depending on the offset.
    def movement(self, offsetX, offsetY, dt):
        # The offset has to range from 1 to 0 to -1. With 0 not moving the agent at all
        self.rect.x += (self.speed * offsetX)
        self.rect.y += (self.speed * offsetY)

    # When called, begins the search for the target instance.
    def startSearch(self, grid, curTime):
        # Checks if a Target even exists in the first place, return False if not.
        if Target.obj is None:
            print("There is no target tile!")
            return False
        # Checks if Target is inside the agent.
        elif self.rect.colliderect(Target.obj.rect):
            print("The agent is already inside the target! Try moving it.")
            return False

        # Deletes all path tiles before proceeding

        # First it asked the grid to generate a layout.
        layout = grid.scanLayout()
        # Then uses the layout to get what tiles are adjacent to him.
        adjacent = getAdjacents(layout, self.tileX, self.tileY)

        self.createPathTile(self.tileX, self.tileY, adjacent, self.pathID)
        self.prevTime = curTime

    # This functions creates path tiles on avalible adjacent tiles
    def createPathTile(self, tileX, tileY, adjacent, oldPathID):
        # For each direction in adjacent
        for direction in adjacent:
            # Shortens the path to the directions items for convenience.
            dirInfo = adjacent[direction]
            # Checks if the contents of dirInfo is not None
            if dirInfo is not None:
                # Gets the tile found from that direction.
                tile = dirInfo[0]
                # Gets the offset used to find the tile.
                offsetX, offsetY = dirInfo[1]

                # Checks if the tile is an empty tile or the target tile
                if tile == 0 or tile == 9:
                    # Creates a path tower at a chosen position + the offset and Path ID
                    self.pathList.append(Agent.Path(tileX + offsetX, tileY + offsetY, oldPathID + 1))

    # Debug function which prints out tiles adjcent to Agent
    def debug_adjacent(self, layout):
        adjacent = getAdjacents(layout, self.tileX, self.tileY)

        for direction in adjacent:
            print(f"{direction}: {adjacent[direction]}")

    # Draws the instance and all path tiles
    def draw(self, viewport):
        # Draw the path tiles
        for path in self.pathList:
            pygame.draw.rect(viewport, path.color, path.rect)
            viewport.blit(path.text, path.rect)

        # Then draw the agent
        pygame.draw.rect(viewport, COLOR["blue"], self.rect)
        viewport.blit(self.text, self.rect)

    # Path child class, this will be helpful in searching the Target and making a path to it.
    class Path(Common):
        def __init__(self, tileX, tileY, pathID):
            super().__init__(tileX, tileY, pathID)
            # Basic tile data
            self.color = COLOR["yellow"]

            # Determine whether the Path should create more Path instances
   = True

            # Appends itself to agent's spread list

        # Returns true if path tile has collided with Target object
        def targetFound(self):
            if self.rect.colliderect(Target.obj):
                return True

        # Returns true if path tile is inside another path tile
        def selfCollide(self):
            if self.rect.collideobjects(Agent.obj.pathList):
                return True

        # Returns the if path tile is inside the agent
        def agentCollide(self):
            if self.rect.colliderect(Agent.obj):
                return True

# Target child class, used as a finish line for the agent.
class Target:
    obj = None
    # Stores a copy of Target's Rect for later
    selectionRect = None

    # Runs on instance initilization.
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)

        # Clears and adds the Target's position to the Agent's route.
        # This will be important later.

        # Copy the instance's rect to a class variable
        Target.selectionRect = pygame.Rect.copy(self.rect)

    # Draws the instance
    def draw(self, viewport):
        pygame.draw.rect(viewport, COLOR["red"], self.rect)
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