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Problem with masking precipitation data into a shapefile
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Problem with masking precipitation data into a shapefile
Hi there! I am new to this forum but I did read the rules beforehand so if I make any mistakes please let me know! I am currently an undergrad researcher going into my junior year of college and new to Python programming. I have been trying to load in a file with years of precip data, and average over the time dimension to get a 2D field of precipitation with latitudes and longitudes. I plan to mask the precip data into a shapefile, that I found of Long Island online. I have been working with this code for some time, and have had many issues along the way. One issue I had was that once the lats and lons were put into a list, the code was not taking a true min/max of the lats and lons. I attempted to fix this by setting the max/min lons and lats manually to a desired number, but I have been getting this ambiguous error that I do not know how to fix. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
import numpy as np
import Ngl
import xarray as xr
import shapefile
import fiona
import pyproj

f = "/Users/austinreed/Desktop/URECA2019/LongIslandAnnualtotalprecipitationncfilesnew/*.nc"
DS1 = xr.open_mfdataset(f,concat_dim="time") #this command opens the file using xarray
data_lat =[0,:,:] #you must read in the latitude and longitude variables for plotting, but remember they might not be named "lat" and "lon" in your file
data_lon = DS1.lon.values[0,:,:]

#data_lat = y
#data_lon = x
nlats = len(data_lat[:,0])
nlons = len(data_lon[0,:])
#lon_grid, lat_grid = np.meshgrid(x,y)
wgs84 = pyproj.Proj("+init=EPSG:4326") # LatLon with WGS84 datum used by GPS units and Google Earth
daymet = pyproj.Proj("+proj=lcc +lat_1=25 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=42.5 +lon_0=-100 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ")

#xx, yy = pyproj.transform(daymet, wgs84, lon_grid, lat_grid)
data = DS1.prcp.values #this is the variable that you want to read in, for example, temperature or precipitation so change "var_name" to the name of your variable in the netcdf file
annual_sums=np.add.reduceat(data, np.arange(0, len(data), 365))
time_avg= (np.mean(annual_sums,axis=0))

fp = "/Users/austinreed/Desktop/URECA2019/longisland_counties/longisland_counties.shp" #path to your shapefile

mask = np.zeros((nlats,nlons))
for shapes in
    geom_type = shapes['geometry']['type']
    geom_coords = shapes['geometry']['coordinates'] #coordinates should be the latitude and longitudes of Long Island
    if geom_type == 'Polygon': 
            test_array = np.full_like(time_avg,np.nan)
	    #test_array = np.full_like(precip, np.nan)
            part_squeeze = np.squeeze(geom_coords)
            part_shape = np.shape(part_squeeze)
            lons = []
            lats = []
            for i in range(part_shape[0]):
            max_lat = max(lats)
            min_lat = min(lats)
            max_lon = max(lons)
            min_lon = min(lons)
            for k in range(nlats):
                    for l in range(nlons):
                            if data_lat[k,l] <= max_lat and data_lat[k,l] >= min_lat and data_lon[k,l] <= max_lon and data_lon[k,l] >= min_lon:
                                    if Ngl.gc_inout(data_lat[k,l], data_lon[k,l], lats, lons) != 0:
                                            test_array[k,l] = time_avg[k,l] 
                                            mask[k,l] = 1
    elif geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
	    #test_array = np.full_like(precip, np.nan)
            test_array = np.full_like(time_avg,np.nan)
            for part in geom_coords:
                    part_squeeze = np.squeeze(part)
                    part_shape = np.shape(part_squeeze)
                    lons = []
                    lats = []		
                    for i in range(part_shape[0]):
                    min_lon = -74.041867 #Left Longitude Limit
                    max_lon = -71.85615 #Right Longitude Limit
                    min_lat = 40.541722 #Lower Latitude Limit
                    max_lat = 41.292377
                    for k in range(nlats):
                            for l in range(nlons):
                                    if data_lat[k,l] <= max_lat and data_lat[k,l] >= min_lat and data_lon[k,l] <= max_lon and data_lon[k,l] >= min_lon:                                   
                                            if Ngl.gc_inout(data_lat[k,l], data_lon[k,l], lats, lons) != 0:
                                                    test_array[k,l] = time_avg[k,l]
                                                    mask[k,l] = 1
This is the full error I have been getting:

(By the way, line 97 points to if Ngl.gc_inout(data_lat[k,l], data_lon[k,l], lats, lons) != 0:)

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