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[PyGame] Joystick Input
Hi there. I think I'm having trouble with clearing the joystick buffer. Can anyone help?

The project I'm working on allows the user to navigate a menu with the joypad. I found that I was getting a lot (to many / buffered input) of positive reads from my controller using the arrow pad. So I thought I would just look out for some of the Joystick events and read them in all in one go (thus clearing the buffer) but I think I must be applying it incorrectly or going about it all wrong.

Here's what I've got so far.
import pygame

class InputDevice:
    def __init__(self):
        self._name =None
        self._button =[]
        self._button_total =0
        self._hat =[]
        self._hat_total =0
        self._axis =[]
        self._axis_total =0
    # __init__() ------------------------------------------------------------

# InputDevices --------------------------------------------------------------

class Controller:
    """Version 1.0
    Class - Joystick controller to assist with managing game controllers.
    Properties - axis, buttons, hats.
    Methods - joystick_count, joystick_name.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Designed to assist with handling the input from a joystick controller.
# Properties:
#   axis
#       Return: <list object>
#           The statuses of axis for this joystick.
#   buttons
#       Return: <list object>
#           The statuses of the buttons registered on this
#       controller.
#   hats
#       Return: <list object>
#           The statuses of arrow pads registered on this
#       controller.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    def __init__(self, index):
        self._device =None

        if pygame.joystick.get_count(): #   There's at least one game device connected.
            if index <=(pygame.joystick.get_count() -1): # index in range.
                self._device =InputDevice()
                self._index =index
                pygame.joystick.Joystick(index).init() # Initialise before first use.

                self._device._name =self.joystick_name(index)
                self._device._button_total =pygame.joystick.Joystick(index).get_numbuttons()
                self._device._hat_total =pygame.joystick.Joystick(index).get_numhats()
                self._device._axis_total =pygame.joystick.Joystick(index).get_numaxes()

                #    ------------- Prep list for buttons -------------
                #   Lets create the ellements in our list so we can store the
                # button states in them.
                for bi in range(self._device._button_total):
                #   _.

                #    ------------- Prep list for hats -------------
                #   Examine the state of the arrow pad (NOT sticks) to see if the
                # player has pressed the pad to go left, right, up, etc.
                for hi in range(self._device._hat_total):
                #   _.

                #    ------------- Prep list for axis -------------
                #   Examing the state of the axis and store the
                # data in our list.
                for ai in range(self._device._axis_total):
                #   _.
            # end if
        # end if
    # __init__() ------------------------------------------------------------
    def axis(self):
        'Method - scans the device and returns the status of all the axis.'
        if not self._device ==None:
            return self._device._axis
        # end if
    # axis() ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def buttons(self):
        'Method - scans the device and returns the status of all the buttons.'
        if not self._device ==None:
            return self._device._button
        # end if
    # buttons() -------------------------------------------------------------

    def hats(self):
        'Method - scans the device and returns the status of all the hats.'
        if not self._device ==None:
            return self._device._hat
        # end if
    # hats() ----------------------------------------------------------------

    def joystick_count():
        'Mehtod - returns the number of controllers connected to device.'
        return pygame.joystick.get_count()
    # joystick_count() ------------------------------------------------------


    def joystick_name(joystick_index):
        'Method - returns the name of the joystick.'
        joystick =pygame.joystick.Joystick(joystick_index)
        return joystick.get_name()
    # joystick_name() -------------------------------------------------------

    def read_joystick_buffer(self):
        'Read all the events from pygame.'
        #   Reset the array.
        for hi in range(self._device._hat_total):
            self._device._hat[hi] =(0, 0)
        #   _.
        #   Events
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            print("Event type:", event.type)
            if event.type ==pygame.constants.JOYHATMOTION:
                for hi in range(self._device._hat_total):
                    eh1, eh2 =pygame.joystick.Joystick(self._index).get_hat(hi)
                    print("Hat values from pygame:", eh1, eh2)
                    if eh1 !=0 or eh2 !=0:
                        deh1, deh2 =self._device._hat[hi]
                        if eh1 !=0:
                            deh1 =eh1
                        # end if
                        if eh2 !=0:
                            deh2 =eh2
                        # end if
                        self._device._hat[hi] =(deh1, deh2)
                    # end if
                # end for
                for bi in range(self._device._button_total):
                    self._device._button[bi] =pygame.joystick.Joystick(self._index).get_button(bi)
                # end for

                for ai in range(self._device._axis_total):
                    self._device._axis[ai] =pygame.joystick.Joystick(self._index).get_axis(ai)
                # end for
            # end if
        # end for loop
##            JOYAXISMOTION
##            JOYBALLMOTION
##            JOYBUTTONDOWN
##            JOYBUTTONUP
##            JOYHATMOTION
##            # Note: do the events stay there if they are NOT looked at
##            # (keyboard) ??? 
# Controller() ------------------------------------------------------
My test file ""
import pygame

from clsJoystick import Controller

#   Open a window so that events can be received.
pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
#   _.

print("Total number of controllers:", Controller.joystick_count())
js =[None, None, None, None] # Up to 4 controllers

js[0] =Controller(index =0)


print("Axis:", js[0].axis)
print("Buttons:", js[0].buttons)
print("Hats:", js[0].hats)
I made sure pygame has an open window otherwise it seems there are no events.

Total number of controllers: 1 Event type: 1 Axis: [None, None, None, None, None, None] Buttons: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] Hats: [(0, 0)]
Why are you storing them. Pygame allows you to call this data.
Either through events and/or states.
import pygame

def main():
    pygame.display.set_caption('JoyStick Example')
    surface = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    running = True

    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
    linesize = font.get_linesize()
    joysticks = [pygame.joystick.Joystick(i) for i in range(pygame.joystick.get_count())]
    for joy in joysticks:

    while running:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False

        position = [10, 10]

        for joy in joysticks:
            image = font.render('name: ' + joy.get_name(), 1, (0,200,0))
            surface.blit(image, position)
            position[1] += linesize

            image = font.render('button count: {0}'.format(joy.get_numbuttons()), 1, (0,200,0))
            surface.blit(image, position)
            position[1] += linesize

            for i in range(joy.get_numbuttons()):
                if joy.get_button(i):
                    image = font.render('{0}: push'.format(i), 1, (0,200,0))
                    surface.blit(image, position)
                    position[1] += linesize



99 percent of computer problems exists between chair and keyboard.
That's a good point, thanks for the tip.

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