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JS Buffer.from VS struct.pack
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JS Buffer.from VS struct.pack
I'm trying to port over a little of bit of a JS library so I can work with it in Python. It allows for you to create Celeste (the game) maps through code. Celeste maps are saved as binary files therefore the JS library uses Buffer.from. The only parts of the library I have been converting are the parts that are required to write a map, not reading from one. The code for this is in bin.js (the "logic") and BinaryWriter.js (creates the buffers and filestream)

My python implementation of the binary writer uses struct.pack instead:
class Writer():
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.file = open(name, "wb")

    def write_String(self, data):

    def write_var_length(self, length):
        b = []

        while (length > 127):
            b.append(length & 127 | 0b10000000)
            length = math.floor(length / 128)


    def write_UInt8(self, data):
        d = struct.pack("<B", data)

    def write_Uint16(self, data):
        d = struct.pack("<H", data)

    def write_Int16(self, data):
        d = struct.pack("<h", data)

    def write_Int32(self, data):
        d = struct.pack("<i", data)

    def write_Float(self, data):
        d = struct.pack("<f", data)

    def write(self, data, type="string"):
        if(type == "string"):
        elif(type == "uint8"):
        elif(type == "uint16"):
        elif(type == "int16"):
        elif(type == "int32"):
        elif(type == "float"):

    def close(self):
(I've tried both little endian and big endian and found that little endian produced a closer result to what I needed)

And this is the python version of bin.js:
def get_attribute_names(element):
    attr = {}
    for key, value in element.items():
        if (key.find('_') != 0 and value != None):
            attr[key] = value

    return attr

class Encoder():
    ranges = [
        {"type": 'uint8', "range": [0, 255]},
        {"type": 'int16', "range": [-32768, 32767]},
        {"type": 'int32', "range": [-2147483648, 2147483647]}

    def __init__(self, writer):
        self.f = writer

    def populate_encode_key_names(self, d, seen):
        name = d["__name"]

            seen[name] = seen[name] + 1
        except KeyError:
            seen[name] = 1

            children = d["__children"]
        except KeyError:
            children = []

        for key, value in d.items():
            if (key.find('__') != 0):
                    seen[key] = seen[key] + 1
                except KeyError:
                    seen[key] = 1

            if (isinstance(value, str) and key != 'innerText'):
                    seen[value] = seen[value] + 1
                except KeyError:
                    seen[value] = 1

        for child in children:
            self.populate_encode_key_names(child, seen)

    def encode_element(self, element, lookup):
        if (isinstance(element, list)):
            for el in element:
                self.encode_element(el, lookup)
            attrs = get_attribute_names(element)

                children = element["__children"]
            except KeyError:
                children = []

                self.f.write(lookup[element["__name"]], "uint16")
            except KeyError:
                self.f.write(0, "uint16")

            self.f.write(len(attrs.keys()), "uint8")

            for key, value in attrs.items():
                    self.f.write(lookup[key], "uint16")
                except KeyError:
                    self.f.write(0, "uint16")

                self.encode_value(key, value, lookup)

            self.f.write(len(children), "uint16")
            self.encode_element(children, lookup)

    def encode_value(self, attr, value, lookup):
        if(isinstance(value, float)):
            self.f.write(4, "uint8")
            self.f.write(value, "float")

        elif(isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, bool)):
            for i in range(0, len(Encoder.ranges)):
                type = Encoder.ranges[i]["type"]
                min, max = Encoder.ranges[i]["range"]

                if(value >= min and value <= max):
                    self.f.write(i + 1, "uint8")
                    self.f.write(value, type)

        elif(isinstance(value, bool)):
            self.f.write(0, "uint8")
            self.f.write(1 if value else 0, "uint8")

        elif(isinstance(value, str)):
                index = lookup[value]
            except KeyError:
                index = 0

            if(index == 0):
                encoded_value = self.encode_run_length(value)
                encoded_length = len(encoded_value)

                if(encoded_length < len(value) and encoded_length <= Encoder.ranges[1]["range"][1]):
                    self.f.write(7, "uint8")
                    self.f.write(encoded_length, "uint16")
                    self.f.write(encoded_value, "plain")
                    self.f.write(6, "uint8")
                    self.f.write(value, "string")
                self.f.write(5, "uint8")
                self.f.write(index, "uint16")

    def encode_run_length(self, string):
        count = 0
        res = []
        current = ord(string[0])
        chars = [ord(c[0]) for c in list(string)]

        for char in chars:
            if (char != current or count == 255):
                count = 1
                current = char
                count += 1


        return bytes(res)

class CelesteMap():
	def __init__(self, file_name="./custom_map.bin"):
		self.header = "CELESTE MAP"

		self.f = Writer(file_name)
		self.e = Encoder(self.f)


	def write_file(self, data=None):
		if(data is None): #or not isinstance(data, World)):
			raise Exception("Data cannot be None!")

		seen = {}
		#data = data.to_formatted_data()

		self.e.populate_encode_key_names(data, seen)

		lookup = list(seen.keys())
		lookup_dict = {k: i for (i, k) in enumerate(lookup)}

		self.f.write(data["_package"], "string")
		self.f.write(len(lookup), "uint16")

		[self.f.write(l, "string") for l in lookup]
		self.e.encode_element(data, lookup_dict)


	def close(self):
(CelesteMap.write_file is equivalent to encode in bin.js)
The map data I have been testing with is:
{'_package': 'test', '__name': 'Map', '__children': [{'__name': 'levels', '__children': [{'_size': [40, 23], 'name': 'room_0', 'musicLayer1': False, 'musicLayer2': False, 'musicLayer3': False, 'musicLayer4': False, 'musicProgress': '', 'ambienceProgress': '', 'dark': False, 'space': False, 'underwater': False, 'whisper': False, 'disableDownTransition': False, 'delayAltMusicFade': False, 'music': 'music_oldsite_awake', 'altMusic': '', 'windPattern': 'None', 'cameraOffsetX': 0, 'cameraOffsetY': 0, '__name': 'level', 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'c': 0, 'width': 40, 'height': 23, '__children': [{'__name': 'solids', 'innerText': 'dd\ndd'}, {'__name': 'bg', 'innerText': ''}, {'__name': 'objtiles', 'innerText': ''}, {'__name': 'fgtiles', 'tileset': 'Scenery'}, {'__name': 'bgtiles', 'tileset': 'Scenery'}, {'__name': 'entities', '__children': []}, {'__name': 'triggers', '__children': []}, {'__name': 'fgdecals', 'tileset': 'Scenery', '__children': []}, {'__name': 'bgdecals', 'tileset': 'Scenery', '__children': []}]}]}, {'__name': 'Style', '__children': [{'__name': 'Foregrounds', '__children': []}, {'__name': 'Backgrounds', '__children': []}]}, {'__name': 'Filler', '__children': []}]}
(this is the already formatted data which is why I have commented out data = data.to_formatted_data()

The output bin files are almost identical with a few minor differences which means I unfortunately can't load the map. From write_file I have printed parameters, values of for loops, if statements, etc, for every function call to make sure the values at that line are exactly the value in the JS library. I don't think there is any line in the python script that will not have the same values as the respective line in the JS script.
That's why I think the problem is something to do with a difference in struct.pack versus Buffer.from but I don't use either enough to know what that difference is.

I created a pastebin of the output of both scripts (JS top, python bottom).
If anyone could help out I would really appreciate it!

Messages In This Thread
JS Buffer.from VS struct.pack - by DreamingInsanity - Apr-05-2021, 02:58 PM
RE: JS Buffer.from VS struct.pack - by deanhystad - Apr-05-2021, 03:14 PM

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