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Combine images using Pillow and Python
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Combine images using Pillow and Python
Hello Python community :)

I'm trying to write a python script using Pillow :
count files ( png images ) number create an image for every 64 images. example: if the folder containing 640 images, I will get 10 images as a thumbnail of 64 images/outputimage
just, before adding "for" instruction, I can get a result, but manually and only with the same image ( a duplication of image).

any idea?

I started by this step :

import os
import os.path

from PIL import Image

def drange(start, stop, step):
    while start < stop:
        yield start
        start += step

list = os.listdir(".")  # directory path
number_files = len(list)
print (number_files)

new_im ='RGB', (800, 800))

for x in drange(0, number_files, 64):

    im =[x])
    im.thumbnail((100, 100))

    for i in xrange(0, 800, 100):
        for j in xrange(0, 800, 100):

            new_im.paste(im, (i, j))'out.png'))
someone suggest me another solution :

import os.path
from PIL import Image

image_files = os.listdir(".")
n_files = len(image_files)

target_img = None
n_targets = 0
collage_saved = False
for n in range(n_files):
    img =[n])
    img.thumbnail((100, 100))

    if n % 64 == 0:
        # create an empty image for a collage
        target_img ="RGB", (800, 800))
        n_targets += 1
        collage_saved = False

    # paste the image at the correct position
    i = int(n / 8)
    j = n % 8
    target_img.paste(img, (100*i, 100*j))

    if (n + 1) % 64 == 0 and target_img is not None:
        # save a finished 8x8 collage"{0:04}.png".format(n_targets))
        collage_saved = True

# save the last collage
if not collage_saved:"{0:04}.png".format(n_targets))
so I modified his solution in order to run the script outside png folder :

import os.path

from PIL import Image

fileList = [] where_to_look = "png/" 
  for f in os.listdir(where_to_look):
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(where_to_look, f)):
             print (len(fileList))

target_img = None n_targets = 0 collage_saved = False

for n in range(len(fileList)):
    img =[n])
    img.thumbnail((100, 100))

    if n % 64 == 0:
        # create an empty image for a collage
        target_img ="RGB", (800, 800))
        n_targets += 1
        collage_saved = False

    # paste the image at the correct position
    i = int(n / 8)
    j = n % 8
    target_img.paste(img, (100*i, 100*j))

    if (n + 1) % 64 == 0 and target_img is not None:
        # save a finished 8x8 collage"{0:04}.png".format(n_targets))
        collage_saved = True

# save the last collage if not collage_saved:"{0:04}.png".format(n_targets))
when I tested this script, I got :
Quote:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 71, in <module>
img =[n])
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/", line 2258, in open
fp =, "rb")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '28.png'

by the way, the png folder contains images named from 0.png to 640.png

I appreciate if you could take a look at this issue.

Thank you in advance.

I'm trying to write a python script using Pillow :
count files ( png images ) number create an image for every 64 images. example: if the folder containing 640 images ( or any other number ), I will get 10 images as a thumbnail of 64 images/outputimage

any idea?

I started by this step :
import os
import os.path
from PIL import Image

image_dir = os.path.abspath("path_to_png_folder")
# list all files in directory
files = os.listdir(image_dir)
# get all PNGs
png_files = filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".png"), files)
# make file paths absolute
image_files = map(lambda x: os.sep.join([image_dir, x]), png_files)

print (image_files)

n_files = len(image_files)
# print (n_files)

target_img = None
n_targets = 0
collage_saved = False
for n in range(n_files):
    img =[n])
    img.thumbnail((100, 100))

    if n % 64 == 0:
        # create an empty image for a collage
        target_img ="RGB", (800, 800))
        n_targets += 1
        collage_saved = False

    # paste the image at the correct position
    i = int(n / 8)
    j = n % 8
    target_img.paste(img, (100*i, 100*j))

    if (n + 1) % 64 == 0 and target_img is not None:
        # save a finished 8x8 collage"{0:04}.png".format(n_targets))
        collage_saved = True

# save the last collage
if not collage_saved:"{0:04}.png".format(n_targets))
I got 10 images, the first one contain 8x8 images, the others are empty ( black ). also, since my png files are a sequence from 0.png to 640.png; have any idea how to let the paste operation take images by order.
example: out1.pan will contain 0.png to 63.png

Thank you
I will split the script in 3 different steps:
  • A function that from a list of images create a thumbnail
  • List all the image files
  • Split in groups of a desired size a list of images

For the 1st point you can do something like:
def create_collage(files, out):
    # You can add a check to guarantee that the list of images is not bigger than 64...
    target_img ="RGB", (800, 800))
    for k, png in enumerate(files):
        row, col = divmod(k, 8)
        img =
        img.thumbnail((100, 100))
        target_img.paste(img, (100*row, 100*col))
To list all the images in a directory you can use the glob module that will filter them by extension for you:
import glob
files = glob.glob('./*.png')
And to group every 64 elements might be:
groups = [files[k:k+64] for k in range(0, len(files), 64)]

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