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ValueError - Formatting issue when values enter thousands
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ValueError - Formatting issue when values enter thousands
I am using the following code to retrieve costs from an Azure subscription. The 'Cost (USD)' data is returning a ValueError when the cost is in the thousands. Can anyone provide insight as to how this can be resolved?

from azure.mgmt.costmanagement        import CostManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.costmanagement.models import QueryAggregation,QueryGrouping,QueryDataset,QueryDefinition,QueryTimePeriod,QueryFilter,QueryComparisonExpression
from azure.mgmt.resource              import ResourceManagementClient
from azure.identity                   import DefaultAzureCredential
from tabulate                         import tabulate
from openpyxl                         import Workbook
from openpyxl.utils                   import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.styles                  import Font, Border, Side, PatternFill, Color

import json
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import calendar
import numpy as np

billing_month = input("Enter billing month (MM): ")
billing_year = input("Enter billing year (YYYY): ")

thedate = dt.datetime.combine(, dt.time())
first = thedate.replace(day=1)
last = thedate.replace(day = calendar.monthrange(thedate.year, thedate.month)[1])

# Instantiate Azure credentials and set the subscription ID
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
subscription_id = '<enter_subscription_id>'

# Set start and end dates based on user input
start_date = f"{billing_year}-{billing_month}-01T00:00:00Z"
end_date = f"{billing_year}-{billing_month}-{calendar.monthrange(int(billing_year), int(billing_month))[1]}T23:59:59Z"

# Set scope of the query to the subscription
scope = '/subscriptions/{}'.format(subscription_id)

# Instantiate Resource Management client to get a list of resource groups
client = ResourceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)

# Query Cost Management API for resource costs for all resource groups in the subscription
cmgmtc = CostManagementClient(credential = credential)

# List of columns available in the Cost Management API

# Define query template
query_template = ( 
     type      = "ActualCost"
    #, timeframe = "ThisMonth" 
    , timeframe= "Custom"
    , time_period= QueryTimePeriod(from_property = start_date, to = end_date)
   , dataset   = 
        granularity  = "Monthly"
      , aggregation  = { 
        "totalCost": QueryAggregation(name = "Cost", function = "Sum")
        ,"totalCostUSD": QueryAggregation(name = "CostUSD", function = "Sum") 
      , grouping     = [
             QueryGrouping(name = "ResourceGroupName", type = "Dimension")
            ,QueryGrouping(name = "ResourceId"       , type = "Dimension")
            ,QueryGrouping(name = "ResourceType"     , type = "Dimension")
            ,QueryGrouping(name = "SubscriptionName" , type = "Dimension")

# Replace the resource group name in the query template with "*"
# to get costs for all resource groups
replaced_query = (

replaced_query.dataset.grouping = [
     QueryGrouping(name="ResourceGroupName", type="Dimension")
    ,QueryGrouping(name="SubscriptionName", type="Dimension")

replaced_query.dataset.filter = None

# Get results of the query
result = cmgmtc.query.usage( scope = scope, parameters = replaced_query)

# Convert results to a pandas DataFrame
data = pd.DataFrame(result.rows, columns = list(map(lambda col:, result.columns)))

# Sort the DataFrame by the total cost column 
data_sorted = data.sort_values(by='CostUSD' ,ascending = False)

data_filtered = data_sorted[["SubscriptionName", "ResourceGroupName", "BillingMonth", "CostUSD"]]
data_filtered = data_filtered.rename(columns={'ResourceGroupName': 'Resource Group', 'BillingMonth': 'Billing Month', 'CostUSD': 'Cost (USD)', 'SubscriptionName': 'Subscription'})
data_filtered['Cost (USD)'] = data_filtered['Cost (USD)'].apply(lambda x: '${:,.2f}'.format(x))
data_filtered["Billing Month"] = pd.to_datetime(data_filtered["Billing Month"])
data_filtered["Billing Month"] = data_filtered["Billing Month"].dt.strftime("%Y-%m")
data_filtered["Subscription"] = data_filtered["Subscription"].apply(lambda x: x.split("(")[0].strip())
data_filtered = data_filtered[["Subscription", "Resource Group", "Billing Month", "Cost (USD)"]]

# Export the data to an Excel file
excel_file_path = 'C:\python\costs.xlsx'
subscription_name = data_filtered["Subscription"] = data_filtered["Subscription"].apply(lambda x: x.split("(")[0].strip()).iloc[0]
billing_month = data_filtered["Billing Month"].unique()[0]

# Create a new workbook and select the sheet
workbook = Workbook()

# Create the title sheet
sheet = workbook.create_sheet(title="Summary")
sheet['A1'] = "Report Title: Subscription Cost Summary"
sheet['A2'] = f"Billing Month: {billing_month} "
sheet['A3'] = f"Report Date: {'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}"

# Create the subscription sheet
ws = workbook.create_sheet(title=subscription_name)

# Write headers to sheet
headers = ["Subscription", "Resource Group", "Billing Period", "Cost (USD)"]
for col_num, header in enumerate(headers,1):
    cell = ws.cell(row=1, column=col_num)
    cell.value = header
    cell.font = Font(bold=True)
    cell.border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='thin'))
    if col_num <= 4:
        cell.fill = PatternFill(start_color='BFBFBF', end_color='BFBFBF', fill_type='solid')

# Add the data to the sheet
data_rows = data_filtered.to_records(index=False)
total_cost = 0.0
for row_index, row in enumerate(data_rows, 2):
    for col_index, cell_value in enumerate(row, 1):
        cell = ws.cell(row=row_index, column=col_index)
        cell.value = cell_value
        cell.font = Font(size=9)
        if isinstance(cell_value, str) and cell_value.startswith("$"):
            total_cost += float(cell_value[1:])

# Write total cost to the last row of sheet
last_row_index = len(data_rows) + 1
total_cost_cell = ws.cell(row=last_row_index, column=4)
total_cost_cell.value = total_cost
total_cost_cell.font = Font(size=9, bold=True)
# Autosize the columns
for col in ws.columns:
    max_length = 0
    column = col[0].column_letter
    for cell in col:
            if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length:
                max_length = len(str(cell.value))
    adjusted_width = (max_length + 2)
    ws.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width

# Remove blank sheet

# Save the workbook

# Display output to screen
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', data_filtered.shape[0]+1)

# Format and display output
subscription_name = data_filtered['Subscription'].iloc[0]
billing_period = data_filtered['Billing Month'].iloc[0]
table = tabulate(data_filtered, headers='keys', tablefmt='plain', showindex=False)
table = table.split('\n')
table.insert(1, '-' * len(table[0]))
table = '\n'.join(table)

print(f"Total Monthly Costs for Current Billing Period: {billing_period}")
print(f"Subscription Name: {subscription_name}\n")
Please provide the complete error stack.
(Apr-20-2023, 08:01 AM)ibreeden Wrote: Please provide the complete error stack.
Enter billing month (MM): 03 Enter billing year (YYYY): 2023 Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\python\projects\azure\", line 169, in <module> total_cost += float(cell_value[1:]) ValueError: could not convert string to float: '13,475.10'
Your string has thousands separator, so you need to strop that in order to convert to float:
total_cost += float(cell_value[1:].replace(',', ''))
That said, probably your code can be simplified
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(Apr-20-2023, 11:17 AM)buran Wrote: Your string has thousands separator, so you need to strop that in order to convert to float:
total_cost += float(cell_value[1:].replace(',', ''))
That said, probably your code can be simplified

That worked! Much appreciated!

As you stated the code can be simplified, do you have any suggestions? I'm a novice user with Python and starting to find myself using this over PowerShell for Azure APIs.

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