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New to Pandas. I need help fixing a TypeError
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New to Pandas. I need help fixing a TypeError
I loaded a CSV file called 'IMDb movies.csv' from kaggle. Here is the link to this file I am just trying to reinforce what I learned about DataFrames and some basic commands. Down below I pasted my code. The problem is that I am getting a TypeError "TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'". I do not know why. It is coming from this line
year_before_1970 = movies_df[movies_df['year'] >= 1970]
. However, the line below, I do something similar like such
print(movies_df[movies_df['avg_vote'] >= 8.6].head(3))
and it doesn't give me an error. Can someone please help me figure out what went wrong.

import pandas as pd

movies_df = pd.read_csv('IMDb movies.csv')

#prints the first 5 rows of Dataset
print('***********************************\nFirst 5 rows\n',movies_df.head(), '\n***********************************')

#selects the columns headers of the Dataset
col = movies_df.columns
print('Headers of Dataset\n', col, '\n***********************************')

#which year produced the most movies
most_movies_yearly = movies_df.groupby('year').imdb_title_id.count().reset_index()

# movies were produced before the year 1970
year_before_1970 = movies_df[movies_df['year'] >= 1970]
movies_df['year'] is now a string object.
Use movies_df.dtypes to check what types DataFrame has.
Then clean up so get a int64 for year.

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

data = StringIO('''\
The Godfather,1972 end
Lawrence of Arabia,1962''')

df = pd.read_csv(data, sep=',')
Movie Year 0 Seven 1995 1 The Godfather 1972 end 2 Jaws 1975 3 Lawrence of Arabia 1962 Movie object Year object dtype: object
Clean up and fix type.
df['Year'] = df['Year'].str.extract('(\d+)')
df['Year'] = pd.to_numeric(df["Year"])
Movie Year 0 Seven 1995 1 The Godfather 1972 2 Jaws 1975 3 Lawrence of Arabia 1962 Movie object Year int64 dtype: object
Now can find movies before 1970.
print(df[df['Year'] <= 1970])
Movie Year 3 Lawrence of Arabia 1962

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