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    Thread: how to convert and format a varable
Post: RE: how to convert and format a varable

(May-29-2022, 11:57 AM)jefsummers Wrote: Couple things. Don't use commas in your timeset, and use a different function for the conversion. The following works: import datetime from datetime import d...
darktitan General Coding Help 4 1,786 May-29-2022, 12:59 PM
    Thread: how to convert and format a varable
Post: RE: how to convert and format a varable

(May-29-2022, 12:15 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: import datetime today = thedate =, 5, 29) delta = today - thedate print(f"The delta is {delta.days} days")Output:...
darktitan General Coding Help 4 1,786 May-29-2022, 12:33 PM
    Thread: how to convert and format a varable
Post: how to convert and format a varable

Hi can any one pls help me with convering and formating the variable timeset so my cod can work. it works only if i replace the timeset variable with the date. import datetime # to get today's date...
darktitan General Coding Help 4 1,786 May-29-2022, 11:09 AM
    Thread: How can users store data temporarily in flask app?
Post: RE: How can users store data temporarily in flask ...

(Mar-21-2022, 06:07 PM)ndc85430 Wrote: You haven't shown any code, so we'd have to guess at what the problem could be, wouldn't we? No its just lots of code so i will try to minimize it my list tha...
darktitan Web Scraping & Web Development 6 3,102 Mar-21-2022, 06:38 PM
    Thread: How can users store data temporarily in flask app?
Post: RE: How can users store data temporarily in flask ...

(Mar-21-2022, 05:42 PM)ndc85430 Wrote: Could you just store the data in memory then? Is there a downside to doing that? Thats what i do now. I use list for it. But some times not all input gets adde...
darktitan Web Scraping & Web Development 6 3,102 Mar-21-2022, 06:01 PM
    Thread: How can users store data temporarily in flask app?
Post: RE: How can users store data temporarily in flask ...

(Mar-21-2022, 12:43 PM)ndc85430 Wrote: What kind of data? What does temporarily mean? How do you need to access it? Web apps often use a database for storing data. Heroku at least gives you access ...
darktitan Web Scraping & Web Development 6 3,102 Mar-21-2022, 05:39 PM
    Thread: How can users store data temporarily in flask app?
Post: How can users store data temporarily in flask app?

Hi Im wondering how users in my app can store data temporarily? Right now im using lists who shows some data the user inputs. It works kind off when the app is used locally but its starts not to show...
darktitan Web Scraping & Web Development 6 3,102 Mar-20-2022, 11:59 AM
    Thread: script that handle windows notifications.
Post: script that handle windows notifications.

Have any one got any idea how to handle windows notifications? I have searched every where about this. I need to just make a script that detects a windows notification and press it.
darktitan General Coding Help 1 2,391 Apr-10-2020, 12:37 PM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: RE: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

(Feb-19-2020, 06:55 PM)Denni Wrote: Okay while not perhaps exactly what you created it should give an idea of the how to -- also as I state in code you could have used a QGridLayout but I figured I ...
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-19-2020, 07:11 PM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: RE: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

(Feb-18-2020, 03:32 PM)Denni Wrote: Okay so do you want the re-written in PySide2 or is that just an FYI? Yea if you want to sure why not then i can compare and learn pyqt.
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-19-2020, 05:06 PM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: RE: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

(Feb-14-2020, 04:49 PM)Denni Wrote: Oh sorry I did not realize that -- I was redesigning the solution Axel_Erfurt had put forth just to create a more python-qt-ish example. As for having your GUI de...
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-16-2020, 08:38 AM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: RE: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

(Feb-12-2020, 07:10 PM)Denni Wrote: Hey @Axel_Erfurt if you going to give an example why provide something that does not fully reflect proper design? I mean it was a nice example and while not the u...
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-13-2020, 09:43 AM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: RE: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

(Feb-11-2020, 07:53 PM)Denni Wrote: btw why do you use a python Timer instead of QTimer ?? I think Qt warns not to use python threading in conjunction with QT and use QThread instead -- which would...
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-11-2020, 08:32 PM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: RE: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

(Feb-10-2020, 09:06 PM)Axel_Erfurt Wrote: I can test it only with PyQt5 and there it works. (I must changed some lines) import sys from datetime import datetime from threading import Timer from...
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-11-2020, 06:31 PM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: RE: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

(Feb-10-2020, 08:20 PM)Axel_Erfurt Wrote: time2gui.ui is missing. it there now
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-10-2020, 08:31 PM
    Thread: timer makes my qmessagebox crash
Post: timer makes my qmessagebox crash

Hi I made a timer program. Where you write the time in some text boxes and when the clock hits that time it should show a messagebox. But my problem is the messagebox crashes. i have no ide why. coul...
darktitan GUI 17 8,144 Feb-10-2020, 08:13 PM
    Thread: Generating numbers
Post: RE: Generating numbers

Ok now im close maybe. I got it to generate something like this. Quote:7-1-1234 8-2- 9-3- 10-4- 11-5- 12-6- 13-7-1234 With this code. But its still not right. value1 = (1234) value2 = (7) val...
darktitan General Coding Help 3 2,252 Dec-01-2019, 06:25 PM
    Thread: Generating numbers
Post: RE: Generating numbers

(Dec-01-2019, 11:11 AM)Gribouillis Wrote: Move one parenthese print("{}-{}".format(value3 + parts, parts+1) + ('-{}\n'.format(value1) if parts in [0, value2 - 1] else '')) Tnx for your answer. It wo...
darktitan General Coding Help 3 2,252 Dec-01-2019, 11:38 AM
    Thread: Generating numbers
Post: Generating numbers

Hi Im trying to generate number sequence who i want to look like this. Quote:7-1-1234 8-2 9-3 10-4 11-5 12-6 13-7-1234 But instead it looks like this. Quote:7-1-1234 13-7-1234 Here is my cod...
darktitan General Coding Help 3 2,252 Dec-01-2019, 09:33 AM
    Thread: I need litte help with linking to another website.
Post: RE: I need litte help with linking to another webs...

Thank you.
darktitan Web Scraping & Web Development 3 2,224 Nov-08-2019, 01:17 PM

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