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    Thread: Help Me With This Issue Please
Post: RE: Help Me With This Issue Please (FIXED)

What is going on is that your else is way to indented. Here is what the second code block should look like: print (" ") print ("DUDE YOU CAN'T YOU SPELL 'Calcululator' OR WHAT!? Huh go on try another ...
GalaxyCoyote General Coding Help 4 2,493 Apr-03-2020, 03:08 AM
    Thread: How can you update a python application across multiple devices?
Post: How can you update a python application across mul...

I am making multiple applications that I want to update over time. Instead of forcing my users to redownload from a file hosting website or (if I set it up) my own website. I am using tkinter as a G...
GalaxyCoyote Bar 0 1,508 Apr-01-2020, 02:52 AM
    Thread: Socket won't connect, giving me a typeerror
Post: Socket won't connect, giving me a typeerror

I am trying to establish a connection to but outputs this error Error:Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Nathan\Desktop\Coding\Langs\Python\Projects\Chatting Prog...
GalaxyCoyote Networking 1 3,505 Mar-23-2020, 10:52 PM
    Thread: VLClib get_duration() not working
Post: VLClib get_duration() not working

I am using VLClib to create a music player, the actual player is a GUI but the code I need help with does not change or interact with the GUI (yet). I am trying to find the duration of the song befor...
GalaxyCoyote General Coding Help 0 1,554 Feb-29-2020, 11:09 PM
    Thread: How to make one widget longer than others without moving the others.
Post: How to make one widget longer than others without ...

I am working on a project that requires that the table at the top of the window is the length of the whole window, but I don't want the space between the other widgets. I see no way of doing this, an...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 1 1,741 Feb-23-2020, 07:47 PM
    Thread: Custom Fonts
Post: Custom Fonts

I am going to be making a couple of applications that require my own custom font, but I can't seem to find any imports that allow me to use my font. If you are wondering, my font is going to be 4x4 an...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 1 4,893 Dec-24-2019, 08:04 PM
    Thread: Image only moving upwards
Post: Image only moving upwards

I am trying to create pong in canvas (so I can get used to it for potential applications), but I ran into 2 problems. 1. w and s keys move Player 1 upwards only, if I change 1 of the axis then it will...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 1 1,853 Dec-21-2019, 11:25 PM
    Thread: Zooming a tkinter image
Post: RE: Zooming a tkinter image

(Nov-09-2019, 03:17 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: you may want to take a look at: I have seen that post before, it didn't really help that much (at least for me)...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 2 15,309 Nov-09-2019, 04:36 PM
    Thread: Zooming a tkinter image
Post: Zooming a tkinter image

I am trying to create a program that can display images, this is going to tie in with some bigger projects in the future so I thought of just making the photo displaying program now to save me having ...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 2 15,309 Nov-09-2019, 03:02 PM
    Thread: Is there a way to sleep without stopping user input?
Post: Is there a way to sleep without stopping user inpu...

I am making an idle game, I will be using tkinter in the future but for now I am using the console as a sort of testing ground. I am trying to make a passive income feature (the player gets awarded £1...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 2 2,208 Oct-23-2019, 05:13 PM
    Thread: Checking button click in Tkinter
Post: RE: Checking button click in Tkinter

(Oct-19-2019, 07:54 AM)Larz60+ Wrote: it's cleaner to use a message box, here's a simple working example: import tkinter.messagebox as tm tm.showinfo("gamestart","It worked") That was a placeholder
GalaxyCoyote GUI 3 7,509 Oct-20-2019, 03:28 AM
    Thread: Checking button click in Tkinter
Post: Checking button click in Tkinter

Good evening everyone, I am trying to make a menu for one of my games. The idea is, you see the start menu you hit the start button then it goes to the main game menu. It seems simple but I have r...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 3 7,509 Oct-19-2019, 02:41 AM
    Thread: .get() doesn't exist?
Post: RE: .get() doesn't exist?

(Oct-13-2019, 10:11 PM)joe_momma Wrote: my observation of your code is you don't need the while loop- tkinter is using the mainloop to cycle events everything in your loop could be put in a function...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 6 5,377 Oct-14-2019, 03:30 PM
    Thread: .get() doesn't exist?
Post: RE: .get() doesn't exist?

(Oct-13-2019, 05:14 PM)Axel_Erfurt Wrote: What I write in the box I get as output, what should happen with it? It gets stored in a var (Pinput) and then an if statement checks if the user has entere...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 6 5,377 Oct-13-2019, 05:30 PM
    Thread: .get() doesn't exist?
Post: RE: .get() doesn't exist?

(Oct-13-2019, 03:52 PM)Axel_Erfurt Wrote: try Box=Entry(window,width=15) Box.grid(row=2, column=3,sticky=E) The Entry shows up, the issue I am having is the fact that I cant get the data from that ...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 6 5,377 Oct-13-2019, 05:03 PM
    Thread: .get() doesn't exist?
Post: .get() doesn't exist?

I am trying to make a game that displays a word with a colour and the user has to type the colour into the box instead of the word. But there is an issue, .get() doesn't work. I get an error saying th...
GalaxyCoyote GUI 6 5,377 Oct-13-2019, 02:32 PM
    Thread: is there a way to optimize my checking system?
Post: RE: is there a way to optimize my checking system?

(Oct-12-2019, 01:43 PM)ichabod801 Wrote: What do you mean by regular lists? I mean not a list of lists e.g. a = [items] b = [items] c = [items]
GalaxyCoyote General Coding Help 4 2,831 Oct-12-2019, 02:18 PM
    Thread: is there a way to optimize my checking system?
Post: is there a way to optimize my checking system?

I am coding tic tac toe with lists (not 2d lists, this project was suggested by my teacher) and I want to go above and beyond, so I want to optimize my program as much as possible. Right now, the par...
GalaxyCoyote General Coding Help 4 2,831 Oct-12-2019, 10:13 AM
    Thread: always comes up as invalid position
Post: RE: always comes up as invalid position

(Oct-11-2019, 10:35 PM)ichabod801 Wrote: If I set Row1 = ['-', '-'], I have no problems with the code. Of course, that's because it's not really doing anything, is it? It gets the input, starts the ...
GalaxyCoyote General Coding Help 3 1,987 Oct-11-2019, 11:29 PM
    Thread: always comes up as invalid position
Post: always comes up as invalid position

I am trying to make a simple game, if a position has already been selected by the opposite team then it will display "invalid position", the issue is, it always displays it. Here is my code.. def qi...
GalaxyCoyote General Coding Help 3 1,987 Oct-11-2019, 10:20 PM

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