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[split] SyntaxError: invalid syntax - Printable Version

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[split] SyntaxError: invalid syntax - arth4 - Feb-20-2018


I'm totally new to python programming. I've written a function that will return the square of a number. Below is the code for the same:
numcalls = 0
>>> def square(x):
	global numcalls
	numcalls = numcalls + 1
	return x * x
d = square(5)
However getting the below error:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I've also tried with the following code:
numcalls = 0
>>> def square(x):
	global numcalls
	numcalls = numcalls + 1
	return x * x
print (square(5))
but the same error persist.

Please let me know the exact syntax for both the cases.


RE: [split] SyntaxError: invalid syntax - Larz60+ - Feb-20-2018

when pasting in the interactive interrupter, you must do it line by line, making sure
lines are indented properly. works just fine if you do this:
>>> numcalls = 0
>>> def square(x):
...     global numcalls
...     numcalls = numcalls + 1
...     return x * x
>>> d = square(5)
>>> d

RE: [split] SyntaxError: invalid syntax - snippsat - Feb-20-2018

You did post in another post,should have made a new Thread.

You use interactive shell and i guess IDLE.
Interactive shell is <Enter> after every line or block of code.
To write code and run it do as in image.
Then there is no >>>.
def square(x):
    return x * x

print (square(5))
[Image: Wn7asS.jpg]

RE: [split] SyntaxError: invalid syntax - arth4 - Feb-21-2018

Thanks for the help.
I executed the code block the way it was told and got correct results