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Variable in range of float - Printable Version

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Variable in range of float - dogginky - Dec-27-2017

Noob here just a few weeks in, So after all the reading and videos I decided it was time to do more writing.
I got side tracked and somehow ended up trying to take a variable and turn it into a float that I could check to see if it was between two floats values.
I seen where someone used pylab frange for something and got it to work right I think. Keep in mind I m very new. How do I clean this up or make a function,
Where do I go from here or put it to use....

import pylab as pl

# range scale to determine outcome of a weighted purchase
avg_screwed = pl.frange(0.00,6.0,0.1)
avg_below = pl.frange(6.0,7.0,0.1)
avg_weight = pl.frange(7.0,7.50,0.1)
avg_above = pl.frange(7.50,8.0,0.1)
avg_extreme = pl.frange(8.0,99.0,0.1)

#get users purchase weight input
user_weight = float(input('What was the weight: '))
#possible outcomes to inform the user of there purchase worth
if user_weight in avg_weight:
   print("You money was well spent.")
elif user_weight in avg_above:
   print('Nice, You did really well!')
elif user_weight in avg_extreme:
   print("WOW! Someone liked you.")
elif user_weight in avg_below:
   print('You have been shorted.')
elif user_weight in avg_screwed:
   print('Turn around and bend over!!!!!!')
   print('I do not understand.')

RE: Variable in range of float - Larz60+ - Dec-27-2017

import pylab as pl

class WeightedPurchase:
    def __init__(self):
        # range scale to determine outcome of a weighted purchase
        self.avg_screwed = pl.frange(0.00, 6.0, 0.1)
        self.avg_below = pl.frange(6.0, 7.0, 0.1)
        self.avg_weight = pl.frange(7.0, 7.50, 0.1)
        self.avg_above = pl.frange(7.50, 8.0, 0.1)
        self.avg_extreme = pl.frange(8.0, 99.0, 0.1)

    def get_user_pweight(self):
        user_weight = None
        while True:
                # get users purchase weight input
                user_weight = float(input('What was the weight (zero to exit): '))
                return user_weight
                print('please enter numeric weight')

    def make_comment(self):
        while True:
            user_weight = self.get_user_pweight()
            # possible outcomes to inform the user of there purchase worth
            print(f'user_weight: {user_weight}')
            if user_weight == 0:
            elif user_weight in self.avg_weight:
                print("You money was well spent.")
            elif user_weight in self.avg_above:
                print('Nice, You did really well!')
            elif user_weight in self.avg_extreme:
                print("WOW! Someone liked you.")
            elif user_weight in self.avg_below:
                print('You have been shorted.')
            elif user_weight in self.6.5
                print('Turn around and bend over!!!!!!')
                print('I do not understand.')

def main():
    wp = WeightedPurchase()

if __name__ == '__main__':

RE: Variable in range of float - dogginky - Dec-27-2017

thank you, I see I have a lot of code to study now, I remember some of what you wrote from other lessons.
Could I have had the if run a  function(assuming I had made one called play_music,,, instead of printing to the screen.
Or if I wanted to have a different calculation for each input depending on the range it was in. I would just make functions for each if ?
example below...Sry if does not make since. Ill give my self 24 to digest what you wrote
           elif user_weight in self.avg_weight:

RE: Variable in range of float - Larz60+ - Dec-27-2017

Sure, but play_music would have to have name of mp3 or whatever format you were using,
plus you would need to load a music package which is easy.
Find what interest you here:
and install the package you choose with:
pip install packagename
code would look somoething like:

    def play_music(self):
       your code here