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IndexError: list index out of range - Printable Version

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IndexError: list index out of range - BoaCoder3 - Nov-13-2017

I'm trying to make a program that can work out a mathematical ratio problem and then take the square root of the answer. To achieve the multiplication part i'm trying to make empty lists to which i add the numbers the user enters to define the ratio, then multiplying the list elements with each other. However, when i tried to run the program, this is what i got:

first set: 8 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/root to file...", line 13, in <module> data_procesing() File "C:/root to file...", line 9, in data_procesing() a = parameters[0] * parameters[1] IndexError: list index out of range Process finished with exit code 1
this is the program:

def data_procesing():

    while True:
        first_set = raw_input('first_set: ')
        for i in xrange(1, 2):
            parameters = []

            a = parameters[0] * parameters[1]
            print a

First i had the parameters = [] loop outside the function so i thought this might be a scope problem, so i put it inside the for loop, however, that didn't work either, Can anybody please tell me what i'm doing wrong? is it perhaps impossible to multiply list elements like i did?

RE: IndexError: list index out of range - stranac - Nov-13-2017

parameters = []
At this point, the list only has one element (first_set).
Trying to access its second element (parameters[1]) results in IndexError.

RE: IndexError: list index out of range - BoaCoder3 - Nov-14-2017

Oh yes of course, what was i thinking, thanks a million!