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Old School First Person Dungeon Crawler? - Printable Version

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Old School First Person Dungeon Crawler? - xBlackHeartx - Oct-01-2017

Note that I haven't even started learning pygame yet. I haven't even really learned python well enough to actually make anything (mostly because I found it hard to teach myself python while also taking 4 programming classes).

I was thinking of trying something like you see in the original phantasy star, or eye of the beholder series. Note that the closest I've come to playing such a game myself is legend of grimrock, which I've never finished. I wasn't looking to make a game like that, where you're having to dance around enemies.

I was wondering how hard this would be to do? Thinking about it, it would take quite a lot of code to make it render ever 'cell' of my pseudo 3-d grid. I think each cell would require 4 tiles (for the floor, ceiling, and walls). I would need a set of sprites for the cell the player is in, another for the next one infront of them, and another for the one 2 spaces away. Etc... I imagine this would get excessive.

Can I even do something like this? I know the program has been made to make true 3d games like world of tanks, but I don't know if a single person could even make something as primitive as phantasy star.

RE: Old School First Person Dungeon Crawler? - metulburr - Oct-01-2017

Always work your way up the ladder. The first rung is always a pong clone or something of that nature.