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Coroutine was never awaited error - Printable Version

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Coroutine was never awaited error - bucki - Sep-23-2023

Good evening,

I am currently trying to programm a discord music bot based on an 1-year-old tutorial. As seen below my code includes some coroutines that need to be awaited, however I get the error that my coroutines could not be awaited. Since I am not very familliar with coroutines I hope someone here knows more about them and can help me:
General informations:
IDE: Thonny
python-version: 3.11.5
os: Windows 10

Further information:
I set the token in terminal before running the file

In my main file I try to run the other files that include the coroutines like this:
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="/", intents = intents)
The music_gog file looks like this:

class music_cog(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot): = bot
        self.is_playing = False
        self.is_paused = False
        self.music_queue = []
        self.YDL_OPTIONS = {"format": "bestaudio", "noplaylist" : "True"}
        self.FFMEPG_OPTIONS = {"before_options" : "-reconnect 1 -reconnected_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5", "options" : "-vn"}
        = None
and includes serveral coroutines like:

@commands.command(name = "pause", help = "Pause the current song")
    async def pause(self, ctx, *args):
        if self.is_playing:
            self.is_playing = False
            self.is_paused = True
        elif self.is_paused:
            self.is_playing = True
            self.is_paused = False

However I get that error message:
RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'BotBase.add_cog' was never awaited

I will attach my files below, feel free to ask me for further information

Thanks in advance

RE: Coroutine was never awaited error - deanhystad - Sep-23-2023

Post a short example that demonstrates the problem.