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Help: Conversion of Electricity Data into Time Series Data - SmallGuy - Aug-25-2023

I want to plot a power load curve with the electricity consumption data. I download a load profile from a EV charger. The data file is a excel containing the energy start time, stop time, energy consumption and duration data. I have converted the energy data to the load.

Now i am stuck how to convert the data into a per-minute time series data similar to the following. Does anyone know how to do the conversion?

RE: Help: Conversion of Electricity Data into Time Series Data - deanhystad - Sep-14-2023

Something like this?
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Read power report spreadsheet
power_report = pd.read_excel("test.xlsx")

# Get starting time.  Here I round down first time in report to the minute.
t = pd.Timestamp(power_report["Energy start time"].values[0]).replace(second=0)

# Get power for each interval
interval = timedelta(minutes=1)
power_usage = []
for start, stop, power in zip(
        power_report["Energy start time"].values,
        power_report["Energy stop time"].values,
        power_report["Power (kW)"].values):

    while t < start:
        power_usage.append({"Time": t, "Load kW": 0.00})
        t += interval
    while t < stop:
        power_usage.append({"Time": t, "Load kW": power})
        t += interval

power_usage = pd.DataFrame(power_usage)
Post text, not screenshots. I wrote a little script to make some fake power data and stuff it in a spreadsheet. If you had posted text instead of a screenshot, I could cut/paste and use your data. Make it easy to answer your question and you will get faster and better answers.

RE: Help: Conversion of Electricity Data into Time Series Data - jeffreyteague - Oct-04-2023

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load your Excel file into a pandas DataFrame
# Assuming your Excel file has columns like 'Start Time', 'Stop Time', 'Energy Consumption', 'Duration'
df = pd.read_excel('your_file.xlsx')

# Convert duration to hours (assuming it's in minutes)
df['Duration (hours)'] = df['Duration'] / 60

# Calculate power load (energy consumption divided by duration)
df['Power Load (kW)'] = df['Energy Consumption'] / df['Duration (hours)']

# Plot the power load curve
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(df['Start Time'], df['Power Load (kW)'], marker='o', linestyle='-')
plt.title('Power Load Curve')
plt.ylabel('Power Load (kW)')

RE: Help: Conversion of Electricity Data into Time Series Data - deanhystad - Oct-04-2023

The spreadsheet from the original post has an energy start time and and energy stop time. There are gaps betwen the stop time and the next start time. A power usage graph should look like a series of steps, with the power usage as a horizontal line between the start and stop times, and zero between the stop time and the next start time. Granted, a plot of the target format would not be steps either, but would be a closer representation of the data than a line chart showing the power usage at only the start times.