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How to print each possible permutation in a dictionary that has arrays as values? - Printable Version

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How to print each possible permutation in a dictionary that has arrays as values? - noahverner1995 - Dec-26-2021

Let's say I have the following arrays of strings:

Background = ["Ocean"]
Body = ["Normal"]
Eyes = ["Big", "Small", "Monolid"]
Color = ["Yellow", "White", "Red Rose", "Turquoise", "Dark green", "Orange"]
Hands = ["None", "Robot", "Spider", "Bear"]
Extra = ["None", "Sand", "Dust", "Graffiti", "Aloe"]
I want to print a list that contains all possible permutations of each element mentioned above, following the order in which these arrays were set (i.e. it starts checking on Background, then goes to check Body, then Eyes, then Color, then Hands, and finishes on Extra).

So I use the following code:

for background in Background:
    for body in Body:
        for eye in Eyes:
           for colour in Color:
               for hand in Hands:
                     for extra in Extra:
                         i += 1

358 Ocean Normal Monolid Orange Bear Dust
359 Ocean Normal Monolid Orange Bear Graffiti
360 Ocean Normal Monolid Orange Bear Aloe

Cool, but now let's say I have the following dictionary:

the_dictionary_list = {'Color': ['Amarillo.png', 'Blanco.png', 'Rojirosado.png', 'Turquesa.png', 'Verde_oscuro.png', 'Zapote.png'], 'Cuerpo': ['Cuerpo_cangrejo.png'], 'Fondo': ['Oceano.png'], 'Ojos': ['Antenas.png', 'Pico.png', 'Verticales.png'], 'Pinzas': ['None', 'Pinzitas.png', 'Pinzotas.png', 'Pinzota_pinzita.png'], 'Puas': ['None', 'Arena.png', 'Marron.png', 'Purpura.png', 'Verde.png']}
How could I generate a similar output but now for this dictionary without having to use many for loops nor manually declare each one of them?

Btw: The total number of possible permutations is calculated by multiplying the lengths of each array, which for this case gives 360 permutations Wink

RE: How to print each possible permutation in a dictionary that has arrays as values? - paul18fr - Dec-26-2021

Maybe with:

import itertools as it

the_dictionary_list = {'Color': ['Amarillo.png', 'Blanco.png', 'Rojirosado.png', 'Turquesa.png', 'Verde_oscuro.png', 'Zapote.png'], 
                       'Cuerpo': ['Cuerpo_cangrejo.png'], 
                       'Fondo': ['Oceano.png'], 
                       'Ojos': ['Antenas.png', 'Pico.png', 'Verticales.png'], 
                       'Pinzas': ['None', 'Pinzitas.png', 'Pinzotas.png', 'Pinzota_pinzita.png'], 
                       'Puas': ['None', 'Arena.png', 'Marron.png', 'Purpura.png', 'Verde.png']}

AllKeysNames = the_dictionary_list.keys()
Combinations = list(it.product(*(the_dictionary_list[Name] for Name in AllKeysNames)))

RE: How to print each possible permutation in a dictionary that has arrays as values? - noahverner1995 - Dec-27-2021

(Dec-26-2021, 12:37 PM)paul18fr Wrote: Maybe with:

import itertools as it

the_dictionary_list = {'Color': ['Amarillo.png', 'Blanco.png', 'Rojirosado.png', 'Turquesa.png', 'Verde_oscuro.png', 'Zapote.png'], 
                       'Cuerpo': ['Cuerpo_cangrejo.png'], 
                       'Fondo': ['Oceano.png'], 
                       'Ojos': ['Antenas.png', 'Pico.png', 'Verticales.png'], 
                       'Pinzas': ['None', 'Pinzitas.png', 'Pinzotas.png', 'Pinzota_pinzita.png'], 
                       'Puas': ['None', 'Arena.png', 'Marron.png', 'Purpura.png', 'Verde.png']}

AllKeysNames = the_dictionary_list.keys()
Combinations = list(it.product(*(the_dictionary_list[Name] for Name in AllKeysNames)))

Thanks for your reply!

I made a little improvement for my case, due to the need for grouping the elements in an specific order Smile , here:

import itertools as it
the_dictionary_list = {'Color': ['Amarillo.png', 'Blanco.png', 'Rojirosado.png', 'Turquesa.png', 'Verde_oscuro.png', 'Zapote.png'], 
                       'Cuerpo': ['Cuerpo_cangrejo.png'], 
                       'Fondo': ['Oceano.png'], 
                       'Ojos': ['Antenas.png', 'Pico.png', 'Verticales.png'], 
                       'Pinzas': ['None', 'Pinzitas.png', 'Pinzotas.png', 'Pinzota_pinzita.png'], 
                       'Puas': ['None', 'Arena.png', 'Marron.png', 'Purpura.png', 'Verde.png']}
AllKeysNames = ['Fondo', 'Cuerpo', 'Ojos', 'Color', 'Pinzas', 'Puas']
Combinations = list(it.product(*(the_dictionary_list[Name] for Name in AllKeysNames)))