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[split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - Printable Version

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[split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - wavic - Oct-06-2016

I want to share with you guys a thought crossed my mind.
I've read this and also all post here and in the old forum. For few months back.
So If one want or have to teach to program Windows is not the OS for that. I can't tell for Mac OS but Linux will do. The advantages are that it runs on almost every hardware and its free. The investment will be not so much. Any cheap piece of hardware will do the job.

RE: Learning Loops - Ofnuts - Oct-06-2016

(Oct-06-2016, 06:37 PM)wavic Wrote: I want to share with you guys a thought crossed my mind.
I've read this and also all post here and in the old forum. For few months back.
So If one want or have to teach to program Windows is not the OS for that. I can't tell for Mac OS but Linux will do. The advantages are that it runs on almost every hardware and its free. The investment will be not so much. Any cheap piece of hardware will do the job.

The best side of Linux for learning is that it shows you the problem raw. With Windows you have to guess what the OS tried to do with it before calling it quits and passing the baby back to you. It's like a three-year-old trying to help Mommy in the kitchen....

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - ichabod801 - Oct-06-2016

I've used Linux, I've used Windows. I haven't used Mac since they switched to a Unix base. My opinion is that OS's just suck. Use the one that fits your environment. If your school uses Macs, get a Mac. If you're office uses Windows, get a Windows box. Whatever you get is going to cause problems for you. Get the one that minimizes the issues in dealing with the other computers you need to deal with.

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - Skaperen - Oct-07-2016

i've used Windows.  that's why i don't let it anywhere near my computers.

i've also used MVS and VM/CMS. all my programming there was in assembler language or Rexx.

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - Ofnuts - Oct-07-2016

(Oct-07-2016, 04:33 AM)Skaperen Wrote: i've also used MVS and VM/CMS.
You don't use MVS. It uses you. MVS: Man Versus System

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - nilamo - Oct-07-2016

I've used linux before. It used to be my main os. For funsies, I installed freeBSD, Gentoo, and then Linux from Scratch. So I'd like to believe I have at least a working knowledge of how it all works.

Now, I'm almost 100% windows. Not because I like windows, but because I like playing games lol.

For us, here, I don't think it matters in any way whatsoever. Python is pretty great at not giving half a sh** about what the underlying OS is.

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - Larz60+ - Oct-07-2016

before Linux, there was Unix and of course Linux is so close to Unix. I prefer it to MS windows (as a matter of fact, I would prefer almost anything to MS windows), but for the past year, I have been stuck on windows. That's about to change again, and I'll be back on Linux soon.

My Linux box died. I built another computer and gave it all the good stuff. I love a good video game, so used a gigabyte gaming motherboard. Processor is Intel 4790K, with a Navidia graphics.

I have attempted dual boot too many times, without success - Can't get past the UFEI BIOS.

I used Redhat, Mint,  and openSUSE of these I liked openSUSE the best.

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - metulburr - Oct-07-2016

Quote:Now, I'm almost 100% windows. Not because I like windows, but because I like playing games lol.
This is becoming less of an issue....Of course most AAA games still do not support linux.

Quote:I have attempted dual boot too many times, without success - Can't get past the UFEI BIOS.
My brother makes it a point to bypass windows blocks every time they do something. This was one of them. I remember he spent a few days to figure out the process when this first came out. I wish i could tell you the process, but long before they added this i decided to just use 2 computers. I hated restarting anytime i wanted to switch from gaming in windows to programming in linux, and vice versa. I have 2 desktops and monitors on my desk in my living room and more beside that. I have a 3rd desktop connected to my 4TB hard drive for my "TV viewing". People come into my house asking why i need so many computers in my living room. My response, 1 desktop is my home server(linux), one is my TV controller(linux), one is my gaming rig(windows), and the other is for everything else(linux). When my wife had her desktop setup in the living looed more like a computer lab.  :D

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - nilamo - Oct-07-2016

It's true gaming support for linux has been getting better, but I got pretty tired of searching through winedb looking for patches/info on how to trick games to work... only to have them play with unacceptably low fps. I'd rather just be playing, than trying to figure out how to be playing, lol

RE: [split] My opinion about OS choice for programming - metulburr - Oct-07-2016

I didnt mean tweaking the program to work in linux, i mean where the devs natively support linux.