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Dictionary Referencing - Printable Version

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Dictionary Referencing - nickdavis2017 - Nov-19-2021

Hi all,

I'm writing a pretty rudimentary code that essentially plays chess with itself. Dictionaries are the data types used to contain all of the data about each individual piece. I have only programmed the movement of pawns this far. I've been using functions for most of the content but I'm having an issue with one of the functions referencing a dictionary. I'm trying to reference an input from the function using an if statement, but the function simply skips over it and executes the else statement. Attached below is the chess code and subsequent UDF code. The code below is the function causing issues.

P.S. I am interested in hearing any good advice on optimizing the code as it is.


def pawn(board,color,which):
    if color == white:
        nr = -1
        spot = 'W_pawn'
        nr = 1
        spot = 'B_pawn'
    # empty current pos
    board[color['Pawns']['Pawn %s' %(which)]['Row'],color['Pawns']['Pawn %s' %(which)]['Column']] = ''
    # edit row value in dictionary
    color['Pawns']['Pawn %s' %(which)]['Row'] += nr
    # update new pos in board
    board[color['Pawns']['Pawn %s' %(which)]['Row'],color['Pawns']['Pawn %s' %(which)]['Column']] = spot

    return board,color

RE: Dictionary Referencing - deanhystad - Nov-20-2021

Obviously color is never white. What is white? The only place I see white defined is here:
# White Dictionary ------------------------------------------------------------
def white():
if color == some function seems odd. Did you mean to do this?
if color == "white":
You are trying to make dictionaries do what classes do much better. This does somewhat the same thing you were doing using classes instead of dictionaries. To show how subclassing works I gave each chess piece a method that will return a list of available moves for the piece. The way the list is constructed is different for pawns than rooks or bishops or knights, so subclassing lets me use a different algorithm for each piece.
from numpy import genfromtxt


class Piece:
    '''Base class for chess pieces'''
    all_pieces = []   # List of all chess pieces
    black_pieces = [] # List of all black chess pieces
    white_pieces = [] # List of all white chess pieces

    def find(cls, row, column):
        '''Return piece at row, column or None if no piece found'''
        for piece in cls.all_pieces:
            if piece.row == row and piece.column == column:
                return piece
        return None

    def isempty(cls, row, column):
        '''Return True if square[row, board] is empty, else False'''
        return cls.find(row, column) is None

    def iscolor(cls, row, column, color):
        '''Return True if square[row, column] contains a piece of color'''
        piece = cls.find(row, column)
        if piece and piece.color == color:
            return True
        return False

    def isopen(cls, row, column, color):
        '''Return True if square[row, column] is empty or contains a piece of color'''
        piece = cls.find(row, column)
        return piece is None or piece.color == color

    def __init__(self, color, row, column):
        self.color = color
        self.moves = []
        self.move(row, column)
        self.taken = False
        if color == BLACK:

    def __str__(self):
        '''Return string representation of piece'''
        color = ("Black", "White")[self.color]
        return f"{color} {self.__class__.__name__} ({self.row}, {self.column})"
    def move(self, row, column):
        '''Move piece to square[row, column]'''
        self.row = row
        self.column = column
        self.moves.append((row, column))

class Pawn(Piece):
    def open_moves(self):
        '''Return list of available moves'''
        moves = []
        if self.color == BLACK:
            if self.row == 7:
                return moves
            if self.isempty(self.row+1, self.column):
                moves.append((self.row+1, self.column))
            if self.row == 1 and self.isempty(2, self.column) and self.isempty(3, self.column):
                moves.append((3, self.column))
            if self.column > 0 and self.iscolor(self.row+1, self.column-1, WHITE):
                moves.append((self.row+1, self.column-1))
            if self.column < 7 and self.iscolor(self.row+1, self.column+1, WHITE):
                moves.append((self.row+1, self.column+1))
        else: # color == White
            if self.row == 0:
                return moves
            if self.isempty(self.row-1, self.column):
                moves.append((self.row-1, self.column))
            if self.row == 6 and self.isempty(5, self.column) and self.isempty(4, self.column):
                moves.append((4, self.column))
            if self.column > 0 and self.iscolor(self.row-1, self.column-1, BLACK):
                moves.append((self.row-1, self.column-1))
            if self.column < 7 and self.iscolor(self.row-1, self.column+1, BLACK):
                moves.append((self.row-1, self.column+1))
        return moves

class Rook(Piece):
   def open_moves(self):
        '''Return list of available moves.  Castling not supported at this time'''
        moves = []
        color = WHITE if self.color is BLACK else BLACK
        for dr, dc in ((1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)):
            for x in range(1, 9):
                row = self.row + dr * x
                col = self.column + dc * x
                if row < 0 or row > 7 or col < 0 or col > 7:
                if self.isempty(row, col):
                    moves.append((row, col))
                elif self.iscolor(row, col, color):
                    moves.append((row, col))
        return moves

class Knight(Piece):
    def open_moves(self):
        '''Return list of available moves'''
        moves = []
        color = WHITE if self.color is BLACK else BLACK
        for dr, dc in ((1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, 2), (-1, -2), (2, 1), (2, -1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1)):
            row = self.row + dr
            col = self.column + dc
            if 0 <= row <= 7 and 0 <= col <= 7 and self.isopen(row, col, color):
                moves.append((row, col))
        return moves

class Bishop(Piece):
   def open_moves(self):
        '''Return list of available moves'''
        moves = []
        color = WHITE if self.color is BLACK else BLACK
        for dr, dc in ((1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)):
            for x in range(1, 9):
                row = self.row + dr * x
                col = self.column + dc * x
                if row < 0 or row > 7 or col < 0 or col > 7:
                if self.isempty(row, col):
                    moves.append((row, col))
                elif self.iscolor(row, col, color):
                    moves.append((row, col))
        return moves

class Queen(Piece):
   def open_moves(self):
        '''Return list of available moves'''
        return Bishop.open_moves(self) + Rook.open_moves(self)

class King(Piece):
    def open_moves(self):
        '''Return list of available moves'''
        moves = []
        color = WHITE if self.color is BLACK else BLACK
        for dr, dc in ((1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)):
            row = self.row + dr
            col = self.column + dc
            if row < 0 or row > 7 or col < 0 or col > 7:
            if self.isempty(row, col):
                moves.append((row, col))
            elif self.iscolor(row, col, color):
                moves.append((row, col))
        return moves

class Player:
    '''Create chess pieces for a player'''
    def __init__(self, color=BLACK):
        row = 1 if color == BLACK else 6
        self.pawns = [Pawn(color, row, column) for column in range(8)]

        row = 0 if color == BLACK else 7
        self.rooks = [Rook(color, row, column) for column in (0, 7)]
        self.knights = [Knight(color, row, column) for column in (1, 6)]
        self.bishops = [Bishop(color, row, column) for column in (2, 5)]
        self.queen = Queen(color, row, 3)
        self.king = King(color, row, 4)

black = Player(BLACK)
white = Player(WHITE)

for piece in Piece.all_pieces:
    print(piece, piece.open_moves())