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Photoshop extension for procedural textures generation - Printable Version

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Photoshop extension for procedural textures generation - psprocedural - Jul-12-2021

Hello to all,

I am new to this forum, so I see things interesting here and hope you folks will give me some guide on what to do next with my development.

Currently, I am developing a Photoshop extension that specializes in producing photo realistic procedural textures, i.e. with creation of various noises and by blending them together with filters that already exist inside Photoshop (similar to Substance Designer). With this extension, you will have to press few buttons that will enable you to create the template that afterwards you may twist it according to your taste and create the desired texture for game or for whatever you need it.

What is my concern, is whether to continue this project, because besides it is time consuming I am also aware that there are other tools like Substance Designer, Filter Forge and similar that do the same thing. The idea why I have half decision to continue this project is maybe potential users will like it much more because of the fact they are familiar with Photoshop more than with Substance Designer for example.

Please, I need you folks to tell me whether this project is interesting or not, and if the answer is yes, any suggestions and ideas are very welcome.

Thank you.

RE: Photoshop extension for procedural textures generation - Larz60+ - Jul-12-2021

Whenever i think about starting a new project, If there is already a similar project available, and If that project is well developed, and in wide use, I won't even go there, what's the point. An Example would be python requests package which is a tremendous package, and always getting better.

If, however, I find a package that sort of does what I would like to do, but doesn't quite fit the bill, then I'll give it a go.
If in the end, I think that I have created something better than the original, then I'll publish it for others to use or improve.

This is just a general rule that works for for me, others have their own approach, probably better than mine.

FYI: Some of my attempts proved to be most useful, and used by a huge number of people for many years.
Some turned out to be absolute disasters., but the only way to never fail, it to never try anything, and that seems like a failure as well.

In the end, I'm glad I did them all.