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webbrowser not working in screen management in kivy - Printable Version

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webbrowser not working in screen management in kivy - thousif - Nov-25-2020

import webbrowser
def any_Function(instance)'')
name: "main"
spacing: '3pt'
text: "Click Here"
font_size: '12pt'
color: 1, 0, 0, 1
bold: True
size_hint: None, None
pos_hint: {'center_x': 1.9}
width: 340
height: 15
app.root.current = any_Function()
root.manager.transition.direction = "left"
My Problem is im unable to link a function in screenmanagement. How do i access.
My requirement is "in screen if we click a label weblink should display"
Please help me in python kivy

RE: webbrowser not working in screen management in kivy - Axel_Erfurt - Nov-25-2020

Where is the kivy code ?