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Importing modules issue - mp3909 - Jun-24-2020


I have a python file called

I have saved this file purposely on my desktop because I want to see how you can add an Environmental Variable called PYTHONPATH and set this equal to the path where is saved (The path is C:\Users\mp88_\OneDrive\Desktop). Then I want to import this file in another module.

When i try doing this using this one line code:

I get an error saying "No module named ImportingModules"

I am using Windows 10 Home and executing the code using Visual Studio 2019.

Why am I getting this error?

Thank You

RE: Importing modules issue - bowlofred - Jun-24-2020

Does it really say "No module named ImportingModules" or "No module named"? You don't want to put the ".py" on the import line.
import ImportingModules

RE: Importing modules issue - mp3909 - Jun-24-2020


Sorry, I removed the ".py" from "import" so it now reads "import ImportingModules".

Still get an error saying "No module named ImportingModules"

I've also added file in the directory where I am trying to import from as some threads have suggested that.

But still no luck

RE: Importing modules issue - bowlofred - Jun-24-2020

Your procedure sounds correct, and works fine for me on my linux box. I won't be able to validate it on Windows for a while. How did you set PYTHONPATH?

You don't need an You can import bare modules without it.

RE: Importing modules issue - mp3909 - Jun-24-2020

I set up my PYTHONPATH variable as follows:

1). Goto my pc
2). Properties
3). Advanced System settings
4). Then click on Environment Variables
5). Then click on New under "User Variables for mp88_". There is also System variables too but I added it under User Variables.
6). PYTHONPATH = C:\Users\mp88_\OneDrive\Desktop

RE: Importing modules issue - Yoriz - Jun-24-2020

Have you restarted your PC since adding the PYTHONPATH?

RE: Importing modules issue - mp3909 - Jun-24-2020

Yes, I have restarted my pc since adding PYTHONPATH

RE: Importing modules issue - snippsat - Jun-24-2020

Restart as mention.
Then start python repl from command line,to test that it work.
λ python
Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 21:26:53) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
Here i have set PYTHONPATH to C:\bar as a test.

Look at this post for an other way not using PYTHONPATH.

RE: Importing modules issue - mp3909 - Jun-24-2020

in command prompt, os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] prints 'C:\\Users\\mp88_\\OneDrive\\Desktop'

RE: Importing modules issue - snippsat - Jun-24-2020

Check that path and file is really working from cmd,you know how to navigate and look at files from cmd cd and dir?
Example with more to open a file on Desktop.
C:\>more C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\
print('hello world')
cmd/Powershell is terrible as i use cmder,had to search for how to open a file more as i had forget it,
in cmder is like a normal way with cat Wink
λ cat C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\
print('hello world')
Desktop is not good folder for storing files,make folder with simpler path like eg C:\code