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chat - metulburr - Apr-03-2017

A little info:

IRC pros:
The IRC is off site...meaning if the server goes down, the shoutbox and forums are down, but IRC is still up. Users can use their own client to connect, or the browser. Is well known for commands, and usable bots. 

IRC cons:
However the founder pf #python-forum is the admin from and can do anything he wants to in retaliation of our mutiny for the forums. 

Shoutbox pros:
The shoutbox is more customizable, no captcha, no login process, is on this server, fully controllable by us. 

Shoutbox cons:
if the server goes down the shoutbox is down too, Users must use the browser to connect.

Why would we need at chat option at all? 
Yes our goal is to put content in the forums and not on chat. Sometimes users are better helped via instant chat than it is to post. Sometimes it is not related to python at all. For example helping someone install Arch linux. Responses like the prompt says now this, do this. It has no purpose in our forum except Bar anyways.