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Coding improvements - Printable Version

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Coding improvements - chris_drak - May-02-2020

I have the following code and I would like it to give results in about 20 seconds. Thanks...

import string
import random
import time

global max_load_factor

max_load_factor = 0.1


def primeGreaterThan2(num):
    while True:
        if num % 2 == 1:
            isPrime = True

            for x in range(3,int(num**0.5),2):
                if num % x == 0:
                    isPrime = False
            if isPrime:
                return num
        num += 1

N = primeGreaterThan2(1000)


arr = [ None for _ in range(N)]


def CreatNewItem():
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]

    letters = ['W','X','Z','Y']
    sl = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','1','2','3','4','5','6']
    for x in letters:
        while True:
            p = random.randint(0,15)
            if sl[p].isdigit():
                sl[p] = x
    s = ''.join(sl)

    d = random.randint(0,5)
    day = days[d]
    money = random.randint(10,100)
    a = [s,day,money]

    return a

def Ηash(key, tablesize):
    sum = 0
    for pos in range(len(key)):
        sum = sum + ord(key[pos])*10**pos
    h = sum % tablesize
    return h

def rehash(oldhash , tablesize):
    rh = ( oldhash + 1 ) % tablesize
    return rh


def put2 (arr,a,N,lenght,collisions):
    if float(lenght)/float(N) >= max_load_factor:
        (arr,N,collisions) = Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions)

    key = a[0]
    i  = Ηash(key,N)
    j =0 

    while (True):
        if arr[i] is None:
            arr[i] = a
            lenght = lenght + 1
        elif arr[i][0] == key:
            arr[i][2] = arr[i][2] + a[2]
            arr[i][1] = arr[i][1] + a[1]
            if j == 0 :
                collisions = collisions +1 #gia na υπολογιζω τα collition μονο στην πρωτη συγκρουση
                j = 1
            i = rehash(i,N)

    return (lenght,N,arr,collisions ) 


def Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions):
    N = primeGreaterThan2(2*N)
    collisions = 0
    lenght = 0
    arr2 = [ None for _ in range(N)]
    for p in arr:
        if p is not None:

    return (arr2,N,collisions)
def Find_max_money(arr,N):
    max_money = 0
    for i in range(0,N):
        if arr[i] == None:
        elif arr[i][2] > max_money:
            max_money = arr[i][2]
            key = arr[i][0]
    return (key,max_money)

def Find_most_visits(arr,N):
    max_len = 0
    for i in range(0,N):
        if arr[i] == None:
        elif len(arr[i][1]) > max_len:
            max_len = len(arr[i][1])
            key = arr[i][0]
    visits = int(max_len/3)
    return (key,visits)

def Find_most_visited_day(arr,N):
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]
    visits = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
    max_v = 0
    d = 0
    for i in range(0,len(days)):
        for j in range(0,N):
            if arr[j] == None:
                v = arr[j][1].count(days[i])
                visits[i] = visits[i] + v
    for i in range(0,len(visits)):
        if visits[i] > max_v:
            max_v = visits[i]
            d = i
    mday = days[d]


def find_item(arr,N,key):
    hashed_key = Hash(key,N) 
    if arr[hashed_key] is None:
        raise KeyError
    if arr[hashed_key][0] != key:
        original_key = hashed_key
        while arr[hashed_key][0] != key:
            hashed_key = rehash(hashed_key,N)
            if arr[hashed_key] is None:
                raise KeyError
            if hashed_key == original_key:
                raise KeyError
    return hashed_key
def get_item(arr,N,key):
    index = find_item(arr,N,key)
    return arr[index]

l = 0
collisions = 0

print("-----------\n load factor:",max_load_factor)

t0 = time.time()

while i!=1000000:
    b = CreatNewItem()
    (l,N,arr,collisions) = put2(arr,b,N,l,collisions)

t1 = time.time() - t0
print('\ntime is {:0.20f}'.format(t1))

(card,money) = Find_max_money(arr,N)
print("The card with the most money is:",card,"and the money:",money)
(card2,visits) = Find_most_visits(arr,N)
print("The card with the most visits is:",card2,"and the vistits:",visits)
(day,max_visits) = Find_most_visited_day(arr,N)
print("The day with the most visits is:",card2,"and the vistits:",visits)

RE: Coding improvements - buran - May-02-2020

This is code without any comments, but with bunch of meaningless one letter names and use of global variables.
I doubt anyone in their right minds would put efforts to try and decipher it, what it is doing and why it is not fast as per your expectations.

RE: Coding improvements - chris_drak - May-02-2020

You are right. Now with comments.

import string
import random
import time

global max_load_factor

max_load_factor = 0.6


def primeGreaterThan2(num):
    while True:                     #Look for next prime number
        if num % 2 == 1:
            isPrime = True

            for x in range(3,int(num**0.5),2):
                if num % x == 0:
                    isPrime = False
            if isPrime:
                return num
        num += 1

N = primeGreaterThan2(1000)


arr = [ None for _ in range(N)]         #Make list of None elements
                                        #This is the Hash Table


def CreatNewItem():
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]

    letters = ['W','X','Z','Y']
    sl = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','1','2','3','4','5','6']
    for x in letters:
        while True:
            p = random.randint(0,15)    #choose a random seat
            if sl[p].isdigit():         #Check if this seat is 
                sl[p] = x               #Replace number with letter
    s = ''.join(sl)                     #Make list s1 into a string s

    d = random.randint(0,5)             #Choose a random day form list days
    day = days[d]
    money = random.randint(10,100)      #Choose a random nymber for maney
    a = [s,day,money]                   #Combine all those elements into a list

    return a

def Ηash(key, tablesize):           
    sum = 0                             
    for pos in range(len(key)):
        sum = sum + ord(key[pos])*10**pos       #Make a hash code
    h = sum % tablesize
    return h

def rehash(oldhash , tablesize):
    rh = ( oldhash + 1 ) % tablesize            #Make a rehash code in case of collision, linear probing
    return rh 


def put (arr,a,N,lenght,collisions):
    if float(lenght)/float(N) >= max_load_factor:
        (arr,N,collisions) = Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions)    #Check load factor and call Resize if needed

    key = a[0]              #Name a[0](card) key
    i  = Ηash(key,N)        #Call Hash to make a hash code
    j =0 

    while (True):
        if arr[i] is None:                          #Check if seat arr[i] is None
            arr[i] = a                              #Replace that seat with element a
            lenght = lenght + 1                     #Increase lenght by 1
        elif arr[i][0] == key:                      #If the elemnt a has the same key with seat arr[i]    
            arr[i][2] = arr[i][2] + a[2]            #Add money(a[2])
            arr[i][1] = arr[i][1] + a[1]            #Add day (a[1])
            if j == 0 :                             #Check if this is the 1st collision of this element
                collisions = collisions +1 
                j = 1
            i = rehash(i,N)                         #Call rehash to make a new hash code

    return (lenght,N,arr,collisions ) 


def Resize(arr,N,lenght,collisions):
    N = primeGreaterThan2(2*N)                      #Find the next bigger prime number
    #N=2*N                                          #Double N
    collisions = 0                                  #Set collision to zero
    lenght = 0                                      #Set lenght to zero
    arr2 = [ None for _ in range(N)]                #Make a new list of None elements Thats the bouble size hash table
    for p in arr:                                   #Put elements of arr(old hash table) in the arr2(new hash table)    
        if p is not None:

    return (arr2,N,collisions)                      #Return new hash table
def Find_max_money(arr,N):
    max_money = 0                                   #Maximum amount of money
    for i in range(0,N):                            #For all the elements in arr(hash tsble)                   
        if arr[i] == None:                          #If elements is None continue
        elif arr[i][2] > max_money:                 #If money(arr[i][2]) is bigger than Maximum amount of money       
            max_money = arr[i][2]                   #Change Maximum amount of money
            key = arr[i][0]                         #Keep the key/card
    return (key,max_money)

def Find_most_visits(arr,N):
    max_len = 0                                     #Maximum lenght of string with days
    for i in range(0,N):                            #For all the elements in arr(hash tsble)
        if arr[i] == None:                          #If elements is None continue
        elif len(arr[i][1]) > max_len:              #If days(arr[i][1]) is bigger than Maximum lenght of string with days   
            max_len = len(arr[i][1])                #Change Maximum lenght of string with days
            key = arr[i][0]                         #Keep the key/card
    visits = int(max_len/3)                         #Divide by 3 to find the number of days
    return (key,visits)

def Find_most_visited_day(arr,N):
    days = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri", "Sat"]         #List of Days
    visits = [0,0,0,0,0,0]                                      #List of visits for each day
    max_v = 0                                                   #Maximum visits
    d = 0                                                       #Position of Day
    for i in range(0,len(days)):                                #For all the days
        for j in range(0,N):                                    #For all the elements in arr(hash tsble)
            if arr[j] == None:                                  #If elements is None continue
                v = arr[j][1].count(days[i])                    #Count the visits of each day
                visits[i] = visits[i] + v                       #Add it in the appropriate seat of visits list
    for i in range(0,len(visits)):                              #For all the elements in visits
        if visits[i] > max_v:                                   #If visits[i] is bigger than Maximum visits
            max_v = visits[i]                                   #Change Maximum visits 
            d = i                                               #Keep position on day
    mday = days[d]                                              #Keep day


def find_item(arr,N,key):
    hashed_key = Ηash(key,N)                                    #Find the hash code for that key
    if arr[hashed_key] is None:                                 #If arr[hashed_key] is None raise error
        raise KeyError
    if arr[hashed_key][0] != key:                               #If arr[hashed_key][0] isn't the one we looking for 
        original_key = hashed_key                               #Keep that possition
        while arr[hashed_key][0] != key:                        #Look until we find what we want
            hashed_key = rehash(hashed_key,N)                   #Find the new hash code
            if arr[hashed_key] is None:                         #If arr[hashed_key] is None raise error
                raise KeyError
            if hashed_key == original_key:                      #If new hsh code is the same with the old raise error
                raise KeyError
    return hashed_key
def get_item(arr,N,key):
    index = find_item(arr,N,key)                                #Keep the results of get_item, that is the position of key in arr(hash table)
    return arr[index]

l = 0                                       #lenght, that is how many elements in arr are not None
collisions = 0                              #The number of collitions

print("-----------\nload factor:",max_load_factor)

t0 = time.time()

while i!=1000000:                                                #Create the data serial
    b = CreatNewItem()
    (l,N,arr,collisions) = put(arr,b,N,l,collisions)             #Put new data in arr(hash table)

t1 = time.time() - t0                                           #Calculate running time
print('\ntime is {:0.20f}'.format(t1))

(card,money) = Find_max_money(arr,N)                                                    #Call Find_max_money to find the card with the maximum amount of money
print("\nThe card with the most money is:",card,"and the money:",money)
c = get_item(arr,N,card)                                                                #Call Find_most_visit to find the card with the maximum amount of visits
(card2,visits) = Find_most_visits(arr,N)                                                
print("\nThe card with the most visits is:",card2,"and the vistits:",visits)
c1 = get_item(arr,N,card2)
(day,max_visits) = Find_most_visited_day(arr,N)                                         #Call Find_most_visited_day to find the day with the maximum amount of visits
print("\nThe day with the most visits is:",day,"and the vistits:",max_visits)