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Free e-books from Springer - Printable Version

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Free e-books from Springer - perfringo - Apr-29-2020

There are free titles available from Springer about wide range of topics (read more: Free access to a range of essential textbooks from all disciplines)

Some Python titles available are listed below (there are also books about specific topics like AI, neural networks etc but one should look for them themselves):

A Beginners Guide to Python 3 Programming

Advanced Guide to Python 3 Programming

The Python Workbook

Python Programming Fundamentals

Data Structures and Algorithms with Python

Elementary Mechanics Using Python

A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python

RE: Free e-books from Springer - DeaD_EyE - Apr-29-2020

I saw it in the German forum:

This should download all pdfs.
requests, bs4 and xlrd are required
have fun

import sys
from pathlib import Path

import xlrd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

URLS = {
    "Free Emergency Nursing titles (German)": "",
    "Free English textbook titles (all disciplines)": "",
    "Free German textbook titles (all disciplines)": "",
DOWNLOAD_PATH = Path("Download")

def get_urls():
    sheets = []
    for kind, url in URLS.items():
        print("Downloading", kind)
        rep = requests.get(url)

    result = []
    for sheet in sheets:
        iterator = zip(sheet.col_slice(0), sheet.col_slice(18))
        for title, url in iterator:
            result.append((title.value, url.value))
    return result

def get_downloads(pages):
    base = ""
    for title, url in pages:
        bs = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
        if result := bs.find("a", href=True, attrs={"class": "c-button"}):
            yield title, base + result.get("href")

def downloader(title, url):
    _, _, suffix = url.rpartition(".")
    target = (DOWNLOAD_PATH / title).with_suffix("." + suffix)
    if not target.exists():
        print(f"Downloading `{title}`")
        with"wb") as fd:
            rep = requests.get(url, stream=True)
            for chunk in rep.iter_content(8196):

def download():
    links_to_books = get_urls()
    print(f"Downloading {len(links_to_books)} eBooks")
    for title, url in get_downloads(links_to_books):
            downloader(title, url)
        except Exception as e:
            print(e, file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == "__main__":