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Atom a quick review - Printable Version

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Atom a quick review - snippsat - Dec-30-2016

So this is about Atom,a hackable Think modern free text editor.
It can run most languages out there,
has a strong focus(a lot of cool stuff) on web-development.

Look and feel:
Here is a image of my setup with Atom-seti themes.
Some files in a Flask project split up,it's really nice and easy to split screen(up,down,left,right).

Packages and Themes:
Is really easy to install stuff and there is a lot to choose from.
Most can be run trough File-->Setting you get to this.
So search and install Packages or Theme.
My setup for themes.

Running Python:
There are 2 packages or maybe more,Script and atom-runner.
So these run a python code.

Code quality/looks:
So as example linter-flake8,  atom-beautify.

Interactive stuff(REPL): 
There is a package repl.
Hydrogen is  Jupyter notebook in editor.
I like ptpython(not atom) run from terminal,
it's my favorite Python REPL.

It's for sure a cool text editor,that look and feel nice.
So do test it out Wink

RE: Atom a quick review - Larz60+ - Dec-30-2016

I'm going to give it a go.